NOTE: The entry below has actually been worked on many many times before this final release version, largely due to procrastination to complete it. So pardon me if some sections do not sound coherent or if they sound as if they were written by different people, I am a little schizophrenic. But lo and behold, it is finally finished, so before I apologise yet again for the long delay, enjoy the article.
After more than a year and many many months since my last decent post, I've finally decided to break my long persistent procrastination and create a third addition to my long forgotten Wilderness Series. For those who have forgotten, here's a link to the previous release:
The Wilderness Series #02 - Behind These Wandering Eyes
As a tribute to the previous post, this one talks about friends as compared to guys. So there you go, enjoy!
The Wilderness Series #03 - Comrades In Arms and Surrender
An article by Seraphim
If I were to ask you, who can't you live your life without? Go past your corny cliche answer of your loved one and answer that truthfully. Okay, also exclude your maid out of that answer. What do you get? Your friends! You maid-cleaner-gardener-chauffer dependant lazy pigs! Yup, truth be told, you really can't imagine going through your whines and traumas without those creatures that you constantly abuse.
On a closer examination, friends come in different shapes, sizes, and purpose. Yes, purpose. There's always a reason why humans do the things they do, whether they're conscious of it or not. If you're still wondering what they could possibly be, read on, and discover the true cynical side to yourself.
For pure, genuine, goody-goody old-fashioned friendship
Well, if you live in the Disney movie world, you would know what I'm talking about. Some of you fairy tale suckers out there still believe in what is termed 'true friendship', where you really befriend someone unconditionally. As in, for free. I repeat, you kiasu Singaporeans, FREE! *gasp* Is that possible? Nah. Wake up people, we live in a world where nothing's free anymore. Not for real anyway. There's always a drawback for everything there is. So let's believe in some humanity and look inside yourself and find that truth as to why you tolerate that obnoxious friend of yours.
For Company
Hah, got you there. Even if this sounds harmless, it is nonetheless a selfish motivation, isn't it? How many times was it that you ask for the accompaniment of others because you don't want to appear anti-social in that high school environment of yours, don't want to be afraid to go to that spooky toilet or just can't stand the state of solitude that will haunt you if you are left in isolation. Oh, how hard the realisation hits you now, eh? Yes my dear sinful readers, you have committed this act before. Well, if you have any friends at all that is.
For fun
Not for fun as in for no reason at all, you simple minded caveman. As in, for fun and laughter, peace and joy. When you’re feeling high as if you’ve slurped sugar concentrated redbull with double shot of expresso, these kind of people are those who you look for to exert your excessive energy on. Probably also because they can get similarly high or are feeling just as high as you. Hell breaks loose when you guys are together in that discombobulating state of mind. One word to describe it? Crazy.
For benefits
The epitome of superficialism, this is it. Not everybody is meant for everybody else, but there are some people out there who you would like to be with because through them you can get what you want. It can be a lot of things, like other friends, money’s a common one, connections, and the list goes on and on. This is not something that everyone would do, but people who are wise, or plain old devious, would do this to achieve their ends. Not to say that this is dishonourable, to be realistic, but this is something that you would do if you want to survive in a competitive urban environment.
For other benefits
Friends with benefits. Sounds familiar? Yes, when two lonely souls chance upon each other in a time of social need and suppressed lust, the inevitable happens. You know you cannot, will not or do not want to be together, but that itch in your nether regions bring you both together for that release of wild energy building up inside you during the time you are apart. Do not be shameful of it, we understand the need for it, though the rest of society might shun you for that act. But hey, deep down, they understand too.
Okay, that’s all that I can come up with the half-mind that I have right now. I don’t know why but I always seem to be doing these types of articles when I’m feeling high, so pardon the weird incoherent language. So there you have it guys, the different friend classifications there are (or at least some of them). Just like the previous release, this classification can be interchangeable and intertwined, so have fun figuring out why you’re wasting your time with that bird brain sitting in front of you.
Friday, December 29, 2006
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Yup, that's the title of the 7th book.
I know, I know, kinda slow to post that. It's been out for a few days already.
Don't know whether to be excited or sad. Sure, the last book will finally be out, but...
" the solstice will come a new... and none will come after..." - Order of the Phoenix
I know, I know, kinda slow to post that. It's been out for a few days already.
Don't know whether to be excited or sad. Sure, the last book will finally be out, but...
" the solstice will come a new... and none will come after..." - Order of the Phoenix
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
A Vivid Vacation for a Vacated Venture
Pardon the pun, watched too many reruns of V for Vendetta, which is the personal favourite movie of the year, made extra special by someone special. Phew, that’s been quite a long while since there has been any decent post at all. Through that entire wait, there have been quite a handful of ideas cropping up which has been set on reserve, so look forward to a few more worthwhile entries before the year is done. A top five list is to be expected, so to make that even tangible, some entries need to go up.
Before we proceed, allow some introduction to be done. All of you are all too familiar with this person called Farhan. Yet it is not he who speaks now. Neither are we the alter ego called Rafahn. Instead, let us be known as the Greater Consciousness [until we find a nicer name]. We are the entity that has been given consciousness in the cranial crevices of Farhan’s brain since its existence, ever watching, ever waiting. It is through this long silence that we have finally manifested a voice to speak to all about the thoughts and mishaps of Farhan and Rafahn. As an inside third party [ooh, what an oxymoron], we are able to report independent of their influences. We are the Voice that is Withdrawn, the One who Knows Many, the User of Corny upper Caps, the Privileged with the Special Brackets, and the Personification of Legal Grounds. Yes, it is we who embodie the purpose of the grounds where the truth is ordained. Don’t fret, Farhan and Rafahn will still make appearances. To make it clear who’s who, we’ll all sign off at the end of each article.
That was rather longer than we intended. Anyway, our purpose here today is to report on the recent event that happened to Farhan. As per tradition, he made another trip to miserable Malaysia last week, as had been done during school vacations. Along with him was his band of misfits: brothers two, Stupidity and Shamelessness, a mat/skater confused crossbreed, and another pair of brothers from In The End. No offense, but we don’t mind their lack of intellect at all. In fact it made for quite an interesting vacation, just like last year’s events.
Let’s take a look at little Singapore from the global geographical perspective. She’s tiny. An hour gets you from one point of the island to the other. Malaysia on the other hand, is littered with acres after acres of land. That meant that a lot of time there was spent on travel journeys in the middle of palm plantations, if not in the middle of nowhere. Man, do they have a lot of land. If Singapore could buy just their peninsular, we can even be twice richer than those farm-loving Malaysian. Equipped with the trusty divine lifesaving iPod Nano, constant supply of coffee from regular pit stops, and a band of idiots as company, the journeys around weren’t as bad as they were supposed to be.
We’ve seen the Legends at Fort Canning, but we weren’t eager to see yet another one in Malaysia. However, Legends Resort there wasn’t so bad. The rooms could do better, but the resort it self was quite lavish. It had all the facilities that a band of idiots could ask for a full day of havoc, which was exactly what we did right after we checked in.
Sadly, there wasn’t a good afternoon and dinner buffet at the in-house restaurant, so all meals except breakfast were had outside. Duh, since we were at other parts of Malaysia during the trip there anyway. Oh, we really must tell you about the mishap that almost resulted in the permanent loss of Farhan’s beloved jacket. There’s this seafood place right outside the resort that we all went to for all the dinners. It was actually quite a long walk out from the resort, since for some reason they built it in a way such that you had to take a really long walk down a road to get in. Anyway, after the dinner on the first night, alas, he left his jacket on the chair while paying the bill. Oh what horror! It wasn’t realized until he was back safe, ok maybe not with all the other idiots in the same room, in the hotel room. The poor guy had to run back to the eating place to get it. He had a ten ringgit bill prepared just in case the people were rotten enough to hint for a tip. Oh you know, who knows how corrupted these people could get. For some reason, we’ve observed that the service people there don’t really have the ‘service with a smile’ campaign going on. Except for the service people at the shopping centres, who seemed to profusely greet and thank everyone like clockwork. Anyway, his ten ringgit was still with him at the end of the incident, and so was his jacket.
Did we mention that he got a room with that entire bunch of misfits? Oh, now we did. Can you believe it? Imagine the havoc that must have occurred! And that was exactly what happened. Too bad the room service menu wasn’t good, or else we could have done our traditional consecutive call in the middle of the night to order the same food at different times thing. Yeah, we actually did that last year. And the year before. And the year before that too. Despite our cultural, behavioral and intellectual differences, we still had a common view of having a good time, so hanging out with them was worth our while. Tempting as it is to join their illicit activities [strict as they are, Malaysian laws are nowhere as enforced as ours], Farhan still retained his moral pride, so he got to witness all the insanity while still being sane.
All in all, it was quite a fulfilling trip. The only regret is not bringing our laptop of course, or else we could have enjoyed our iPod a little longer and god knows what else a bunch of guys with a computer would do in the middle of the night. Home didn’t seem to welcome us back with open arms. It poured like never before, for days on end, though it was good excuse to skip training [don’t tell anyone that]. Really, rainy weather doesn’t give you the mood to do anything else except for doze off. Anyway, this is as far as we can go, the rest is up to Farhan. This is not, however, our last encounter, so we bid you farewell until next time.
The Greater Consciousness is the all powerful entity that governs the cranial spaces of Farhan’s brain. They like is there since it’s cosy, but with Farhan and Rafahn’s increased conflicts, it’s getting a little cramped. That could have been the cause of the gradual drop in IQ.
Before we proceed, allow some introduction to be done. All of you are all too familiar with this person called Farhan. Yet it is not he who speaks now. Neither are we the alter ego called Rafahn. Instead, let us be known as the Greater Consciousness [until we find a nicer name]. We are the entity that has been given consciousness in the cranial crevices of Farhan’s brain since its existence, ever watching, ever waiting. It is through this long silence that we have finally manifested a voice to speak to all about the thoughts and mishaps of Farhan and Rafahn. As an inside third party [ooh, what an oxymoron], we are able to report independent of their influences. We are the Voice that is Withdrawn, the One who Knows Many, the User of Corny upper Caps, the Privileged with the Special Brackets, and the Personification of Legal Grounds. Yes, it is we who embodie the purpose of the grounds where the truth is ordained. Don’t fret, Farhan and Rafahn will still make appearances. To make it clear who’s who, we’ll all sign off at the end of each article.
That was rather longer than we intended. Anyway, our purpose here today is to report on the recent event that happened to Farhan. As per tradition, he made another trip to miserable Malaysia last week, as had been done during school vacations. Along with him was his band of misfits: brothers two, Stupidity and Shamelessness, a mat/skater confused crossbreed, and another pair of brothers from In The End. No offense, but we don’t mind their lack of intellect at all. In fact it made for quite an interesting vacation, just like last year’s events.
Let’s take a look at little Singapore from the global geographical perspective. She’s tiny. An hour gets you from one point of the island to the other. Malaysia on the other hand, is littered with acres after acres of land. That meant that a lot of time there was spent on travel journeys in the middle of palm plantations, if not in the middle of nowhere. Man, do they have a lot of land. If Singapore could buy just their peninsular, we can even be twice richer than those farm-loving Malaysian. Equipped with the trusty divine lifesaving iPod Nano, constant supply of coffee from regular pit stops, and a band of idiots as company, the journeys around weren’t as bad as they were supposed to be.
We’ve seen the Legends at Fort Canning, but we weren’t eager to see yet another one in Malaysia. However, Legends Resort there wasn’t so bad. The rooms could do better, but the resort it self was quite lavish. It had all the facilities that a band of idiots could ask for a full day of havoc, which was exactly what we did right after we checked in.
Sadly, there wasn’t a good afternoon and dinner buffet at the in-house restaurant, so all meals except breakfast were had outside. Duh, since we were at other parts of Malaysia during the trip there anyway. Oh, we really must tell you about the mishap that almost resulted in the permanent loss of Farhan’s beloved jacket. There’s this seafood place right outside the resort that we all went to for all the dinners. It was actually quite a long walk out from the resort, since for some reason they built it in a way such that you had to take a really long walk down a road to get in. Anyway, after the dinner on the first night, alas, he left his jacket on the chair while paying the bill. Oh what horror! It wasn’t realized until he was back safe, ok maybe not with all the other idiots in the same room, in the hotel room. The poor guy had to run back to the eating place to get it. He had a ten ringgit bill prepared just in case the people were rotten enough to hint for a tip. Oh you know, who knows how corrupted these people could get. For some reason, we’ve observed that the service people there don’t really have the ‘service with a smile’ campaign going on. Except for the service people at the shopping centres, who seemed to profusely greet and thank everyone like clockwork. Anyway, his ten ringgit was still with him at the end of the incident, and so was his jacket.
Did we mention that he got a room with that entire bunch of misfits? Oh, now we did. Can you believe it? Imagine the havoc that must have occurred! And that was exactly what happened. Too bad the room service menu wasn’t good, or else we could have done our traditional consecutive call in the middle of the night to order the same food at different times thing. Yeah, we actually did that last year. And the year before. And the year before that too. Despite our cultural, behavioral and intellectual differences, we still had a common view of having a good time, so hanging out with them was worth our while. Tempting as it is to join their illicit activities [strict as they are, Malaysian laws are nowhere as enforced as ours], Farhan still retained his moral pride, so he got to witness all the insanity while still being sane.
All in all, it was quite a fulfilling trip. The only regret is not bringing our laptop of course, or else we could have enjoyed our iPod a little longer and god knows what else a bunch of guys with a computer would do in the middle of the night. Home didn’t seem to welcome us back with open arms. It poured like never before, for days on end, though it was good excuse to skip training [don’t tell anyone that]. Really, rainy weather doesn’t give you the mood to do anything else except for doze off. Anyway, this is as far as we can go, the rest is up to Farhan. This is not, however, our last encounter, so we bid you farewell until next time.
The Greater Consciousness is the all powerful entity that governs the cranial spaces of Farhan’s brain. They like is there since it’s cosy, but with Farhan and Rafahn’s increased conflicts, it’s getting a little cramped. That could have been the cause of the gradual drop in IQ.
And the fight rages on
NOTE: This entry was saved as a draft for me to work on, but I never found the will to finish it. So I'll just put it up in this state for the record.
Oh, I'm just making sure that whoever is googling on it finds the right stuff.
Before we dive back into this whole fiasco, I just realised that this kind of thing is what this blog was aimed to be doing when it was created - to be writing on interesting touchy topics. But it has kinda died lately, so I'm really excited to be on the keyboard again. If promos ends well, I'll be gearing up for a fresh new round of blogging.
Now, back to the main issue. I was just looking around to see what's sprouted since the news about the fight came into the digital realm and all hell broke loose. Must really admire how the internet spreads the word. I've gotten hits regarding the article from people who are from the other side of the globe. And I also discovered some psuedo open house teaser poster of some photoshopped japanese girl. Look out for that, it's worth a look.
What isn't worth looking at is SGForums. The thread on the issue is relevant at first, but after the first five pages it turns into a bitchfight with JC vs Non-JC students, Transparency vs Political Correctness or whatsoever factions the bitches have broken into. Unless you're another New Paper reporter, it's not worth a look.
And here's another worthy look. Read on.
fight club?
whoa apparantly the fierce kids at acjc have some sort of fight club which proves that the chattering classes are not above petty violence when it comes to extra-curricular activities.
acjc kid 1: i say, shall we reconvene after school at a suitable locale to do most grievous bodily harm to one another
acjc kid 2: a most excellent proposition my good man, and may i first say that by the time our little altercation is over you will most surely have cried uncle
acjc kid 3: and might i be so bold as to suggest that we invite the other members of our class to this little after school soiree
acjc kid 1: by all means go ahead. after all, what could possibly go awry unless it appears on the front page of the new paper
and here i was thinking that only the proletariat were capable of such things. perhaps we are more alike than we like to think.
well apparantly in jc you are allowed to add 2 grades to your prelim score to get your projected results. so technically C is the new A. i'm just waiting for dead to be the new alive so i can kill myself and live off the insurance money.
Well said, whoevever-you-are-didn't-catch-your-name. However, being an ACSian myself, I feel obliged yet again to put that in it's true context. So here is my remake of that entry.
acjc kid 1: i say, shall we reconvene after school at a suitable locale to do most grievous bodily harm to one another
acjc kid 2: a most excellent proposition my good man, and may i first say that by the time our little altercation is over you will most surely have cried uncle
acjc kid 3: and might i be so bold as to suggest that we invite the other members of our class to this little after school soiree
acjc kid 1: by all means go ahead. after all, what could possibly go awry unless it appears on the front page of the new paper
Source article: Newspaper article from The New Paper
Author: Santokh Singh
Date of article: 03 October 2006
HERE'S my appeal to school principals and teachers: Please do not impose any gag order on your students if something negative happens in the school.
HERE'S my appeal to school principals and teachers: Please do not impose any gag order on your students if something negative happens in the school.
Why? It doesn't work.
If anything, it makes them want to talk even more - first among themselves and, if approached, to the press.
The students will get the feeling that the school has something to hide, is authoritarian and not transparent. Worse, they may think their principals and teachers are not practising what they preach.
How can teachers ask them to practise critical thinking and freedom of thought and speech, so central to their classroom learning, when they impose gag orders?
Last week, The New Paper came across this unique situation. Unique because it happened in two schools within an hour.
Students from a secondary school and a junior college told us they had been gagged.
In the secondary school, almost 300 students were struck by a mysterious illness.
In the junior college, the police were called in to break up a planned fight by students.
'We've been told by the school not to talk to the press about this,' the students from the two schools said when we approached them.
But they then went on to tell us everything we needed to know.
Why? It is a basic human instinct - to talk.
The JC students not only spoke freely with us, but they also contradicted what was told to us by the school authorities.
The New Paper ran its report last Thursday, reflecting both versions.
The principal may also be interested to know that it was a student who had alerted us to the incident.
I am convinced the student called us because he did not like being told to shut up.
'We do not wash our dirty linen in public' is an adage that is plausible only for a small family.
I say plausible rather than possible because even in the families of today, I see loyalty losing out to the urge to share interesting gossip.
What more, in a school 'family' of more than 1,000 members.
And with the advance of technology, the imposition of gag orders is almost bordering on the ludicrous.
At times, a student who witnesses or hears of the incident sends an SMS to a friend or family member almost as soon as the incident happens.
No time for the principal to tell students that he or she is going to impose a gag order.
And, as we've witnessed many times these days, these SMSes with visuals attached spread really fast.
If not SMS, then e-mail. And if not e-mail, then a blog.
A Google search with some key words would, more often than not, produce the results.
It may take a little longer but it's usually not long enough for the school authorities to remove the posting.
The details on blogs can be revealing.
Earlier this year, The New Paper warned of fight clubs forming in schools.
One principal, who vehemently denied the existence of such clubs, called me to protest.
But the next day, a posting on a blog criticised The New Paper for being late with the story. A JC student wrote that a fight club was already in existence in his school since he was in Secondary 1.
There are often two sides of a story. But, gag order or not, the truth will usually prevail in the end.
Well, it's not mine, but I found it to be rather intersting and applicable here. So, to all you snoopy reporters out there, have a look.
The blogger uses this weblog to exercise her freedom of expression and has attempted to protect the privacy of characters mentioned. In the event that similarities between actual people and persons mentioned in the entries are uncanny and you think that they are one and the same, you are probably right. However, you should not presume to know that you are correct, or presuppose that the blog contents are accurate. Whatever opinion you form based on the information provided is most likely made in a false light and should be kept to yourself. The blogger will not be held responsible for the contents of this weblog and warns that it should not be taken seriously. Do note that contacting me and demanding that I remove any offensive material is ludicrous since you are visiting this site of your own free will. Under no circumstances should you use and pass off any material from here as your own unless I permit it.
Oh, I'm just making sure that whoever is googling on it finds the right stuff.
Before we dive back into this whole fiasco, I just realised that this kind of thing is what this blog was aimed to be doing when it was created - to be writing on interesting touchy topics. But it has kinda died lately, so I'm really excited to be on the keyboard again. If promos ends well, I'll be gearing up for a fresh new round of blogging.
Now, back to the main issue. I was just looking around to see what's sprouted since the news about the fight came into the digital realm and all hell broke loose. Must really admire how the internet spreads the word. I've gotten hits regarding the article from people who are from the other side of the globe. And I also discovered some psuedo open house teaser poster of some photoshopped japanese girl. Look out for that, it's worth a look.
What isn't worth looking at is SGForums. The thread on the issue is relevant at first, but after the first five pages it turns into a bitchfight with JC vs Non-JC students, Transparency vs Political Correctness or whatsoever factions the bitches have broken into. Unless you're another New Paper reporter, it's not worth a look.
And here's another worthy look. Read on.
fight club?
whoa apparantly the fierce kids at acjc have some sort of fight club which proves that the chattering classes are not above petty violence when it comes to extra-curricular activities.
acjc kid 1: i say, shall we reconvene after school at a suitable locale to do most grievous bodily harm to one another
acjc kid 2: a most excellent proposition my good man, and may i first say that by the time our little altercation is over you will most surely have cried uncle
acjc kid 3: and might i be so bold as to suggest that we invite the other members of our class to this little after school soiree
acjc kid 1: by all means go ahead. after all, what could possibly go awry unless it appears on the front page of the new paper
and here i was thinking that only the proletariat were capable of such things. perhaps we are more alike than we like to think.
well apparantly in jc you are allowed to add 2 grades to your prelim score to get your projected results. so technically C is the new A. i'm just waiting for dead to be the new alive so i can kill myself and live off the insurance money.
Well said, whoevever-you-are-didn't-catch-your-name. However, being an ACSian myself, I feel obliged yet again to put that in it's true context. So here is my remake of that entry.
acjc kid 1: i say, shall we reconvene after school at a suitable locale to do most grievous bodily harm to one another
acjc kid 2: a most excellent proposition my good man, and may i first say that by the time our little altercation is over you will most surely have cried uncle
acjc kid 3: and might i be so bold as to suggest that we invite the other members of our class to this little after school soiree
acjc kid 1: by all means go ahead. after all, what could possibly go awry unless it appears on the front page of the new paper
Source article: Newspaper article from The New Paper
Author: Santokh Singh
Date of article: 03 October 2006
HERE'S my appeal to school principals and teachers: Please do not impose any gag order on your students if something negative happens in the school.
HERE'S my appeal to school principals and teachers: Please do not impose any gag order on your students if something negative happens in the school.
Why? It doesn't work.
If anything, it makes them want to talk even more - first among themselves and, if approached, to the press.
The students will get the feeling that the school has something to hide, is authoritarian and not transparent. Worse, they may think their principals and teachers are not practising what they preach.
How can teachers ask them to practise critical thinking and freedom of thought and speech, so central to their classroom learning, when they impose gag orders?
Last week, The New Paper came across this unique situation. Unique because it happened in two schools within an hour.
Students from a secondary school and a junior college told us they had been gagged.
In the secondary school, almost 300 students were struck by a mysterious illness.
In the junior college, the police were called in to break up a planned fight by students.
'We've been told by the school not to talk to the press about this,' the students from the two schools said when we approached them.
But they then went on to tell us everything we needed to know.
Why? It is a basic human instinct - to talk.
The JC students not only spoke freely with us, but they also contradicted what was told to us by the school authorities.
The New Paper ran its report last Thursday, reflecting both versions.
The principal may also be interested to know that it was a student who had alerted us to the incident.
I am convinced the student called us because he did not like being told to shut up.
'We do not wash our dirty linen in public' is an adage that is plausible only for a small family.
I say plausible rather than possible because even in the families of today, I see loyalty losing out to the urge to share interesting gossip.
What more, in a school 'family' of more than 1,000 members.
And with the advance of technology, the imposition of gag orders is almost bordering on the ludicrous.
At times, a student who witnesses or hears of the incident sends an SMS to a friend or family member almost as soon as the incident happens.
No time for the principal to tell students that he or she is going to impose a gag order.
And, as we've witnessed many times these days, these SMSes with visuals attached spread really fast.
If not SMS, then e-mail. And if not e-mail, then a blog.
A Google search with some key words would, more often than not, produce the results.
It may take a little longer but it's usually not long enough for the school authorities to remove the posting.
The details on blogs can be revealing.
Earlier this year, The New Paper warned of fight clubs forming in schools.
One principal, who vehemently denied the existence of such clubs, called me to protest.
But the next day, a posting on a blog criticised The New Paper for being late with the story. A JC student wrote that a fight club was already in existence in his school since he was in Secondary 1.
There are often two sides of a story. But, gag order or not, the truth will usually prevail in the end.
Well, it's not mine, but I found it to be rather intersting and applicable here. So, to all you snoopy reporters out there, have a look.
The blogger uses this weblog to exercise her freedom of expression and has attempted to protect the privacy of characters mentioned. In the event that similarities between actual people and persons mentioned in the entries are uncanny and you think that they are one and the same, you are probably right. However, you should not presume to know that you are correct, or presuppose that the blog contents are accurate. Whatever opinion you form based on the information provided is most likely made in a false light and should be kept to yourself. The blogger will not be held responsible for the contents of this weblog and warns that it should not be taken seriously. Do note that contacting me and demanding that I remove any offensive material is ludicrous since you are visiting this site of your own free will. Under no circumstances should you use and pass off any material from here as your own unless I permit it.
Monday, December 25, 2006
It's Christmas Day.
A week since I had my vacation.
8 days left till school opens.
And the pile of schoolwork won't just vanish.
A week since I had my vacation.
8 days left till school opens.
And the pile of schoolwork won't just vanish.
Sunday, December 24, 2006
ACJC Swimming Video
Just to add more materials to this blog before I post the articles, here's an interesting vid that might interest you.
A tribute to the seniors.
A tribute to the seniors.
Friday, December 22, 2006
BoBs Sentosa Outing
Here are the waaaaaaaay overdued pictures folks. I'll put up quirky comments or whatever on my own time ya. Enjoy.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Product of boredom... again
Oh, scroll down for the fight stuff. This is just my routine boredom check.
Message: if you're a girl, fill out the girls
and put an 'x' next to each that apply. If
a guy, fill out the guys, and put an 'x'
next to
each that apply also. Have fun! [Don't
forget to
delete the x's if you're the opposite sex =)]
X_x Girl Confessions x_X
[ ] I do wear make up
[ ] When I walk by mirrors, I cant help but look
[ ] I love pink..
[ ] I have cried at a movie theater
[ ] I love chocolates
[ ] Getting flowers still makes me smile
[ ] I've wrecked a car
[ ] I can put mascara on without opening my mouth
[ ] I'd do anything for a guy
[ ] I love cuddling
[ ]Johnny Depp is sexy
[ ] Gotten detention
[ ] If I have to dress like a... to get your attention, then forget it buddy
[ ] I love to laugh
[ ] I've flashed someone/some people
[ ] I've skinny dipped
[ ] I like Rock
[ ] I like rap
[ ] I like Electronics/techno
[ ] I carry a purse everywhere
[ ] I carry my cell phone at ALL times
[ ] I do own a spice girls CD
[ ] I also own a Britney Spears CD
[ ] I play hard to get
[ ] Boys are fun to tease
[ ] Football is boring
[ ] I love athletic boys
[ ] I love rockers
[ ] Hot guys are better then sweet guys
[ ] Sweet guys are better than hot guys
[ ] I prefer "sweet hotty" guys.
[ ] I've been called a tease
[ ] Lip gloss is WAY better than lipstick
[ ] can't leave the house without makeup
[ ] I'm a bitch. Deal with it.
[ ] I play video games, even when there are other people around
[ ] My friends are the best, and they're important to me
o_O Guy Confessions O_o
[x] I have watched....... (can we not speak of the obvious?)
[ ] I have played/cheated on a girl
[ ] Ive slept naked
[x] I play video games (playED)
[ ] I wear boxers to bed
[ ] Ive thrown rocks @ a girls window
[ ] Ive drank because I felt like it
[ ] I still beat my buddies up
[ ] Of course they never beat me up
[ ] I drive a truck/SUV
[x] My friends and I make fun of each other...alot
[ ] I drive some type of car
[ ] I have a job
[x] I currently have a girlfriend
[x] My girlfriend is better than yours
[x] I think about girls/my girl
[x] Girls are complicated, to the tenth degree
[ ]Im .......... friendly? ahaha
[x] Ive forgotten to return a phone call to a girl...or a few (the latter)
[x] Not all guys are the same Im one of the different ones (ugh, so true)
[x] Id do anything for my girl/a girl (they tend to be... persuasive)
[ ] I tend to be shy around girls
[ ] I act like an ass on purpose
[ ] I've been flashed before
[ ] Ive seen the Rocky Horror picture show
[x] I play hard to get
[ ] I aspire to one day become like the guys in Old School (say who?)
[ ] Im not in love
[ ] Ive honked at a girl going down the road
[x] I've hit on a girl in public (oh no no no, I brought her into a dark alley...)
[x] I've gotten wood in class (what can I say? I'm an adolescent)
[ ] I've asked a hot girl for her number that I just met
[x] Ive acted like a man ........ (as compares to... an infant?)
[x] Angelina Jolie is hot
[ ] Pamela Anderson is hotter (waaaaaaay too big)
[ ] Sports over-rule everything else
[ ] I like rock music
[ ] I like rap music
[ ] Ive been expelled
[x] Ive gotten detention (for the first time in my life!)
[ ] Cheerleaders are hot (show me some then I'll rate this)
[ ] I have a tattoo
[ ] Ive gotten road head
[ ] I smoke entirely too much
[x] Im a virgin (gee, we're asians)
[x] I respect what you have to say (i'm a listener)
[x] And yes I care how your day went =) (for real)
[x] Its not the external looks that matter its how you feel about yourself (ah, tricky one)
Message: if you're a girl, fill out the girls
and put an 'x' next to each that apply. If
a guy, fill out the guys, and put an 'x'
next to
each that apply also. Have fun! [Don't
forget to
delete the x's if you're the opposite sex =)]
X_x Girl Confessions x_X
[ ] I do wear make up
[ ] When I walk by mirrors, I cant help but look
[ ] I love pink..
[ ] I have cried at a movie theater
[ ] I love chocolates
[ ] Getting flowers still makes me smile
[ ] I've wrecked a car
[ ] I can put mascara on without opening my mouth
[ ] I'd do anything for a guy
[ ] I love cuddling
[ ]Johnny Depp is sexy
[ ] Gotten detention
[ ] If I have to dress like a... to get your attention, then forget it buddy
[ ] I love to laugh
[ ] I've flashed someone/some people
[ ] I've skinny dipped
[ ] I like Rock
[ ] I like rap
[ ] I like Electronics/techno
[ ] I carry a purse everywhere
[ ] I carry my cell phone at ALL times
[ ] I do own a spice girls CD
[ ] I also own a Britney Spears CD
[ ] I play hard to get
[ ] Boys are fun to tease
[ ] Football is boring
[ ] I love athletic boys
[ ] I love rockers
[ ] Hot guys are better then sweet guys
[ ] Sweet guys are better than hot guys
[ ] I prefer "sweet hotty" guys.
[ ] I've been called a tease
[ ] Lip gloss is WAY better than lipstick
[ ] can't leave the house without makeup
[ ] I'm a bitch. Deal with it.
[ ] I play video games, even when there are other people around
[ ] My friends are the best, and they're important to me
o_O Guy Confessions O_o
[x] I have watched....... (can we not speak of the obvious?)
[ ] I have played/cheated on a girl
[ ] Ive slept naked
[x] I play video games (playED)
[ ] I wear boxers to bed
[ ] Ive thrown rocks @ a girls window
[ ] Ive drank because I felt like it
[ ] I still beat my buddies up
[ ] Of course they never beat me up
[ ] I drive a truck/SUV
[x] My friends and I make fun of each other...alot
[ ] I drive some type of car
[ ] I have a job
[x] I currently have a girlfriend
[x] My girlfriend is better than yours
[x] I think about girls/my girl
[x] Girls are complicated, to the tenth degree
[ ]Im .......... friendly? ahaha
[x] Ive forgotten to return a phone call to a girl...or a few (the latter)
[x] Not all guys are the same Im one of the different ones (ugh, so true)
[x] Id do anything for my girl/a girl (they tend to be... persuasive)
[ ] I tend to be shy around girls
[ ] I act like an ass on purpose
[ ] I've been flashed before
[ ] Ive seen the Rocky Horror picture show
[x] I play hard to get
[ ] I aspire to one day become like the guys in Old School (say who?)
[ ] Im not in love
[ ] Ive honked at a girl going down the road
[x] I've hit on a girl in public (oh no no no, I brought her into a dark alley...)
[x] I've gotten wood in class (what can I say? I'm an adolescent)
[ ] I've asked a hot girl for her number that I just met
[x] Ive acted like a man ........ (as compares to... an infant?)
[x] Angelina Jolie is hot
[ ] Pamela Anderson is hotter (waaaaaaay too big)
[ ] Sports over-rule everything else
[ ] I like rock music
[ ] I like rap music
[ ] Ive been expelled
[x] Ive gotten detention (for the first time in my life!)
[ ] Cheerleaders are hot (show me some then I'll rate this)
[ ] I have a tattoo
[ ] Ive gotten road head
[ ] I smoke entirely too much
[x] Im a virgin (gee, we're asians)
[x] I respect what you have to say (i'm a listener)
[x] And yes I care how your day went =) (for real)
[x] Its not the external looks that matter its how you feel about yourself (ah, tricky one)
Sunday, October 01, 2006
At the Fight Scene
Recently, there has been quite a buzz at school set off by an article in The New Paper about ACJC. I'll spare you the details and just look at the article to see what it's all about.
Source article: Newspaper article from “Was it a 'Fight Club'?”, The Electric New Paper
Author: Liew Hanqing And Veena Bharwani
Date of article: 29 September 2006
Cops break up JC fracas
IF you thought fight clubs existed only in movies, think again.
First brought to the fore by Brad Pitt and Edward Norton in their 1999 film Fight Club, the concept of clubs, formed for members to fight for fun, appears to have arrived here.
In May, The New Paper reported two such incidents which were recorded on video by students from two secondary schools.
They were allegedly involved in a 'fight club' - where students fought one another for the camera.
In those cases, the fights happened on the school grounds.
Last Tuesday, yet another face-off took place here.
This time, a group of students from Anglo-Chinese Junior College (ACJC) gathered at the carpark of an HDB estate near the College.
The New Paper learnt from students at the college that at least 20 to 30 students were at the carpark to witness the fight.
And, despite the school imposing a gag order on staff and students, a number of students claimed that a 'fight club' exists.
They said that the group consisted mainly of first-year students.
The New Paper found two blogs written by students which also mentioned the fight club.
One first-year student told The New Paper that he had heard from friends that the club had more than 50 members.
He said: 'Some of them were involved in this fight club probably because they thought it was fun.
'Most first-year students should have heard about the club's existence.'
Another first-year student added that the incident occured at a multi-storey carpark opposite ACJC.
She said that most of the students were there as spectators and did not actually fight.
Although she wasn't present, she had heard from a friend that there were both boys and girls at the scene.
'We heard that the students dispersed quickly when the police arrived,' she said.
When contacted by The New Paper, ACJC principal Kelvyna Chan said that there is no fight club in the college.
She described the face-off at the carpark as 'an isolated incident of mischief', and said that the students involved had been reprimanded and counselled.
The police confirmed that the incident took place on 19 Sep.
A resident contacted them last Tuesday about a fight at the carpark.
A police spokesman said they received the call at about 4.20pm. When officers arrived at the scene, they spotted students 'running into a nearby school'.
The spokesman added that the police had used the carpark's CCTV cameras to help identify the culprits.
The police have been in contact with the school regarding three students involved in the fight.
No weapons were used.
- Additional reporting by Lim Jun Xue,4136,114543,00.html?
Source article: Newspaper article from “No fight club in college”, The Electric New Paper
Author: NA
Date of article: 29 September 2006
IN a faxed response to The New Paper, ACJC principal Kelvyna Chan said there is no fight club in the college.
'There was recently a fight in the multi-storey carpark involving three of our students.
'This was an isolated incident of mischief. No one was injured. The students involved have since been reprimanded and counselled. None of them were expelled.',4136,114540,00.html?
Well, being me, I just couldn't sit still. So guess what? I wrote back to them. Check it out.
At the Fight Scene
An article by Seraphim
I refer to your article, 'Was it a fight club?' (29 September 2006, The Electric New Paper). To answer that directly, no it wasn't.
If you thought fight clubs existed only in movies, think again. If you think they exist in ACJC, really think again.
Study break on 28 September took longer than usual, as research reading for the next day's General Paper on The New Paper took all of the attention. Reading up for school turned out to be reading up on school. The article sensationalised the possibility of a ‘fight club’ back in ACJC.
Wow, a new club and it’s not even listed in the yearbook.
As a proud member of the school (like everyone else), I am obliged to set the record straight. The article mentioned that ‘This time, a group of students from Anglo-Chinese Junior College (ACJC) gathered at the carpark of an HDB estate near the College.”. So previously it was at the local dojo. That is hardly reason enough to think that there has been similar past incidents. About the 20 to 30 witnesses and a 50 member fight club, those digits are wrong. So far, there hasn’t been any ‘gag order’ notice on the school internet portal either.
I have to stand by the principal’s claim that there is no fight club in the college. It is interesting to ponder why this particular fight became a media focus. If you ask, say, an ITE student, I’m sure they can supply you with a weekly fight to content with. A previous May report already supplied two videos as evidence. A quick search on Youtube revealed 3246 more.
Fear not, this little conundrum has not discombobulated us students. It merely justified our GP teachers’ claims that the media does have engaging stories. Besides, it has become good inspiration. We’ve always wondered what could beat our special edition collegiate t-shirts. Imagine a limited edition ‘Fight Club’ t-shirt at our upcoming 99.90 store. (Oh! Like, that is so cool! And they cost peanuts!) Another good point learnt from the incident is that all of us can truly trust the local police. They have surveillance at carparks that will happen to focus on juvenile fights at high enough quality to distinguish faces. How efficient can they get?
We understand why there is a dire need for sensational scandals. Why else does Singapore need topless dancers, bar top dancing and casinos? Besides, we know that it might take time for the truth to be realised. Even the Ministry of Education needs time to figure things out. Jack Neo, ‘who spoke against the EM3 system in his hit movie I Not Stupid in 2002’, ‘took six years’ for the MOE ‘to figure it out’.
Quoting from my principal, ‘no one was injured’, so all is good. Even if the fight club were real, it won’t be us who should be worrying.
The writer is a first year student at Anglo-Chinese Junior College. This aggravated person has indeed not heard of the existence of such a club, reads satires for light bedtime reading and was not distracted from revision by any misleading articles.
Source article: Newspaper article from “Was it a 'Fight Club'?”, The Electric New Paper
Author: Liew Hanqing And Veena Bharwani
Date of article: 29 September 2006
Cops break up JC fracas
IF you thought fight clubs existed only in movies, think again.
First brought to the fore by Brad Pitt and Edward Norton in their 1999 film Fight Club, the concept of clubs, formed for members to fight for fun, appears to have arrived here.
In May, The New Paper reported two such incidents which were recorded on video by students from two secondary schools.
They were allegedly involved in a 'fight club' - where students fought one another for the camera.
In those cases, the fights happened on the school grounds.
Last Tuesday, yet another face-off took place here.
This time, a group of students from Anglo-Chinese Junior College (ACJC) gathered at the carpark of an HDB estate near the College.
The New Paper learnt from students at the college that at least 20 to 30 students were at the carpark to witness the fight.
And, despite the school imposing a gag order on staff and students, a number of students claimed that a 'fight club' exists.
They said that the group consisted mainly of first-year students.
The New Paper found two blogs written by students which also mentioned the fight club.
One first-year student told The New Paper that he had heard from friends that the club had more than 50 members.
He said: 'Some of them were involved in this fight club probably because they thought it was fun.
'Most first-year students should have heard about the club's existence.'
Another first-year student added that the incident occured at a multi-storey carpark opposite ACJC.
She said that most of the students were there as spectators and did not actually fight.
Although she wasn't present, she had heard from a friend that there were both boys and girls at the scene.
'We heard that the students dispersed quickly when the police arrived,' she said.
When contacted by The New Paper, ACJC principal Kelvyna Chan said that there is no fight club in the college.
She described the face-off at the carpark as 'an isolated incident of mischief', and said that the students involved had been reprimanded and counselled.
The police confirmed that the incident took place on 19 Sep.
A resident contacted them last Tuesday about a fight at the carpark.
A police spokesman said they received the call at about 4.20pm. When officers arrived at the scene, they spotted students 'running into a nearby school'.
The spokesman added that the police had used the carpark's CCTV cameras to help identify the culprits.
The police have been in contact with the school regarding three students involved in the fight.
No weapons were used.
- Additional reporting by Lim Jun Xue,4136,114543,00.html?
Source article: Newspaper article from “No fight club in college”, The Electric New Paper
Author: NA
Date of article: 29 September 2006
IN a faxed response to The New Paper, ACJC principal Kelvyna Chan said there is no fight club in the college.
'There was recently a fight in the multi-storey carpark involving three of our students.
'This was an isolated incident of mischief. No one was injured. The students involved have since been reprimanded and counselled. None of them were expelled.',4136,114540,00.html?
Well, being me, I just couldn't sit still. So guess what? I wrote back to them. Check it out.
At the Fight Scene
An article by Seraphim
I refer to your article, 'Was it a fight club?' (29 September 2006, The Electric New Paper). To answer that directly, no it wasn't.
If you thought fight clubs existed only in movies, think again. If you think they exist in ACJC, really think again.
Study break on 28 September took longer than usual, as research reading for the next day's General Paper on The New Paper took all of the attention. Reading up for school turned out to be reading up on school. The article sensationalised the possibility of a ‘fight club’ back in ACJC.
Wow, a new club and it’s not even listed in the yearbook.
As a proud member of the school (like everyone else), I am obliged to set the record straight. The article mentioned that ‘This time, a group of students from Anglo-Chinese Junior College (ACJC) gathered at the carpark of an HDB estate near the College.”. So previously it was at the local dojo. That is hardly reason enough to think that there has been similar past incidents. About the 20 to 30 witnesses and a 50 member fight club, those digits are wrong. So far, there hasn’t been any ‘gag order’ notice on the school internet portal either.
I have to stand by the principal’s claim that there is no fight club in the college. It is interesting to ponder why this particular fight became a media focus. If you ask, say, an ITE student, I’m sure they can supply you with a weekly fight to content with. A previous May report already supplied two videos as evidence. A quick search on Youtube revealed 3246 more.
Fear not, this little conundrum has not discombobulated us students. It merely justified our GP teachers’ claims that the media does have engaging stories. Besides, it has become good inspiration. We’ve always wondered what could beat our special edition collegiate t-shirts. Imagine a limited edition ‘Fight Club’ t-shirt at our upcoming 99.90 store. (Oh! Like, that is so cool! And they cost peanuts!) Another good point learnt from the incident is that all of us can truly trust the local police. They have surveillance at carparks that will happen to focus on juvenile fights at high enough quality to distinguish faces. How efficient can they get?
We understand why there is a dire need for sensational scandals. Why else does Singapore need topless dancers, bar top dancing and casinos? Besides, we know that it might take time for the truth to be realised. Even the Ministry of Education needs time to figure things out. Jack Neo, ‘who spoke against the EM3 system in his hit movie I Not Stupid in 2002’, ‘took six years’ for the MOE ‘to figure it out’.
Quoting from my principal, ‘no one was injured’, so all is good. Even if the fight club were real, it won’t be us who should be worrying.
The writer is a first year student at Anglo-Chinese Junior College. This aggravated person has indeed not heard of the existence of such a club, reads satires for light bedtime reading and was not distracted from revision by any misleading articles.
Monday, September 04, 2006
Irwin gone
Aussie croc hunter Steve Irwin killed in 'freak' stingray attack
SYDNEY (AFP) - World-famous Australian "crocodile hunter" and television environmentalist Steve Irwin has been killed by a stingray blow to the chest while filming a documentary on the Great Barrier Reef.
The larger-than-life Irwin, 44, known for his fearlessly enthusiastic handling of even the deadliest of wildlife, was killed when a stingray barb punctured his heart during underwater filming off northeastern Australia.
"He came over the top of a stingray and the stingray's barb went up and went into his chest and put a hole into his heart," said the ebullient Irwin's longtime producer John Stainton, who was with him at the time on Monday.
"It's likely that he possibly died instantly when the barb hit him, and I don't think that he ... felt any pain," a tearful Stainton told reporters in the city of Cairns. "He died doing what he loved best."
Oh well, poor bloke. Here's something as a sign of respect for him:
If you haven't already heard, Steve Irwin died today on 4th September, on the great barrier reef, near cairns. As a sign of respect for the Australian Cultural Icon, please place a turtle at the start of your MSN Name and forward this message to others. To make the turtle sign type 'tu' at your nickname.
SYDNEY (AFP) - World-famous Australian "crocodile hunter" and television environmentalist Steve Irwin has been killed by a stingray blow to the chest while filming a documentary on the Great Barrier Reef.
The larger-than-life Irwin, 44, known for his fearlessly enthusiastic handling of even the deadliest of wildlife, was killed when a stingray barb punctured his heart during underwater filming off northeastern Australia.
"He came over the top of a stingray and the stingray's barb went up and went into his chest and put a hole into his heart," said the ebullient Irwin's longtime producer John Stainton, who was with him at the time on Monday.
"It's likely that he possibly died instantly when the barb hit him, and I don't think that he ... felt any pain," a tearful Stainton told reporters in the city of Cairns. "He died doing what he loved best."
Oh well, poor bloke. Here's something as a sign of respect for him:
If you haven't already heard, Steve Irwin died today on 4th September, on the great barrier reef, near cairns. As a sign of respect for the Australian Cultural Icon, please place a turtle at the start of your MSN Name and forward this message to others. To make the turtle sign type 'tu' at your nickname.
Sunday, July 09, 2006
A Race... Just for dignity

Alright, so last weekend, on Sunday 2 July 2006, I went to the OSIM SIngapore Triathlon 2006 as part of the Olympic Distance Triathlon relay open category, doing the obvious event - swimming. We actually participated just for fun, thus the title, which I will explain in a while. But in the end, at the event itself, we took it more seriously than planned, and ended up in a pretty good position.
For a brief introduction, the olympic distance triathlon relay is a race where there are three legs to the race - 1.5km of swimming, 40km of cycling and 10km of running - each done by a different person. I was down for swimming, senior Frank for cycling and fellow Pre-U Sem presenter Gerald for running.
Ah, back to the title. We arrived at the event pretty early, so we walked around at a leisurely pace. When we just got to the starting line (that's where the swimming part starts), we heard the following announcement: "Swimmers ready? GO!". So you do realise that at this point, there was a crowd of 56 other swimmers who just started the race, and we were just staring at them. Our faces clearly spelt "WTF". Man, I never undressed so fast in my life. And when I first touched water, my PINK swimming cap wouldn't come on properly. So there you have it guys, a race to fight for our dignity, to save ourselves from being last and to save some face for ME who was wearing a PINK swimming cap.
The organisers have no fashion sense.
So, a little commentary on my part of the race. Actually, I wasn't really the last person to start. There was someone else, and he made a futile effort to not remain that way by tugging on me to propel himself forward. Too bad it didn't work, cause he got a backward propulsion from my kick smack on his face. Yeah, mass swimming is really dirty, there's more kicking and pulling later on in the race.
The first sensation that was exhumed to me was the shock of realising that the water was pushing back! I mean, OMG! The water moves!!! That never happens during training at the swimming pool! Oh, and it was moving AGAINST me! In big waves! Yeah, it didn't really occur to me that swimming in open water would be so much different than the swimming pool. There were resisting forces, unpredictable waves, totally obscured seafloor, choking and blinding salty seawater and absolute blindness at navigation.
When you swim 300 metres offshore, its a bit hard to navigate as the horizon and shore looks curved. Navigating according to the parallel waves was quite hopeless, as the waves change directions according to the passing ships, so I found myself lead astray quite a few times.
Not to mention the seawater. Half an hour of endless swimming in the sea makes really burns your throat. Thirst was the only feeling. And extreme irritation. And of course exhaustion. Half my efforts were spent on surfacing, since the water level wasn't constant.
While I was swimming, I wondered why nobody swam past me. It didn't occur to me till later, that how could there be anyone passing me when I was last in line! HAHA. Laugh with me guys. So I could only overtake, not get overtaken.
All in all, it was quite a refreshening experience, as I did pick up some tips on swimming in open water. Like play violent when violence is used on you. And it was really cool coinciding my strokes with the swash, to give it an extra propulsion.
My other teammates had their own little adventures too. The cyclists almost rammed into the barrier threee times. One of which was cause by me and the runner, who shocked him with our sudden loud cheer at a sharp corner. Hey, it wasn't our fault. It was the shadiest and coolest corner around. He lost all feelings in his family jewels after all that. And the runner was a media magnet as he ran a full 10km at high speed with a JESTER HAT on. Yeah, we really joined this thing as a joke at first. For real. He got the joke of the day. "Hey, that joker can run!"
But in the end, we got quite decent results, despite the fact that none of us did any real training for it.
Bib - R297
Nationality - Singapore
Swim - 00:36:18
BikeCP1 - 4
BikeCP2 - 4
Bike - 01:18:07
RunCP1 - 2
RunCP2 - 2
Run - 00:42:17
Total - 02:36:41
Rank - 16
Yes, you read it right. After starting last, trying to hide a pink cap, gone on kamikazi crashes, ran like a crown, we still topped 41 other people to get ourselves the 16th placing. I calculated from the timings that I overtaken 28 others in the swimming round, and the runner owned 40 in his leg of the race (there were runners from other categories too, and I'm too lazy to calculate how many the cyclist owned). So like they say in dota, OWN-AGE!
00:36:18. Definitely not my personal best. How can it when I had to brave the shock of moving water, trying not to suffocate on seawater and propelling upwards instead of forward? 1.2mins per lap (over 30). Terrible time. But it's quite ok, considering it's my first open water experience.
Ok ok, I know you want this:

The colours are a bit off, since I had to digitally edit off the website link from the picture. If you want to find more, go hunt me down at But please don't, cause this is the best picture and it's ugly. I look fat in the pictures after getting bloated up on seawater.
In the end, all of us are hooked onto the adrenaline rush of a triathlon and ended up with the promise of a more dignified return in next year's race. Too bad for Frank and his NS, we gotta find ourselves a new cyclist. Next year, we're really gonna train for it, and looking at the bunch of old people in that category, it'll be another TOTAL OWNAGE next year.
So go TEAM ACJC!!!
Saturday, June 24, 2006
ACJC PW - Tapestry
Need a bit of help people. Just doing my part for the project, please spare a few moments and click the link below to do a simple survey. Won't take up the time you spend on that porn flick in that other window, I swear.
Click here to take our Online Survey.
Thanks, and have a nice night.
Click here to take our Online Survey.
Thanks, and have a nice night.
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Elements of Prerogatives
7th Student Council
Leadership Camp
Terra - Ignus - Aqua - Zephyr
The Elements of Prerogatives
Here you go people, some pics from the camp.
Write-up coming soon (if any)
Sunday, June 04, 2006
10 signs that show you're a workaholic
10. You plan the next day's events in your dreams.
9. Your desk is cluttered with pages of text.
8. You keep forgetting to eat breakfast.
7. Here's a classic: You're a caffeine junkie.
6. You multitask better than an Intel HT processor.
5. Instead of photos of friends, you keep albums of corporate pictures.
4. You think Britney Spears's 'I'm a Slave for You' has a nice ring to it.
3. You call your friends 'collegues'.
2. Your SMSes start with "So what time is the meeting?"
1. People say you don't have a life, but you never could understand why.
9. Your desk is cluttered with pages of text.
8. You keep forgetting to eat breakfast.
7. Here's a classic: You're a caffeine junkie.
6. You multitask better than an Intel HT processor.
5. Instead of photos of friends, you keep albums of corporate pictures.
4. You think Britney Spears's 'I'm a Slave for You' has a nice ring to it.
3. You call your friends 'collegues'.
2. Your SMSes start with "So what time is the meeting?"
1. People say you don't have a life, but you never could understand why.
Monday, May 29, 2006
Penantian AC Perbayu berakhir...
I'm having a very bad tendency of going on long blog leaves like this one. But what can I do? A workaholic's gotta do what a workaholic's gotta do - work. During the past two months, there's been one thing after another going on, climaxing in the June activities. At least once June is over, I'll get to focus more on my studies. Oh, darn, there's still term exams. Oh well...
Maybe it's true when they say that I neglect my studies too much. I care a lot more for what I do and the opportunities offered to me, never learning to say no. Perhaps it's because all I am is what I am and what I do, if you get that. Whatever it is, I'm neglecting other aspects of my life (or what's left of it). Academic life is all screwed, flopping every test, not exactly for the reason that I didn't study. Really long story, won't even bother going on about that. Social life's quite fine I guess, with all the meetings and inter-school activities, my contact list gets a constant input. Still, I haven't been able to watch my year-long awaited movies (MI:iii/Da Vinci Code/X3). But my personal life is suffering a bit now. I get too caught up with all that I do until I don't seem to care much about others anymore, something I hope to change when this is all over.
Not to mention that this blog is missing out on its usual contents. Really low on inspiration now actually, with more design works than I can catch up on inspiration. I do promise however that by the end of the June holidays, I'll have something up to add on to my Anthologies or Grimoire. Chances are, you wouldn't even remember what those are anymore.
Back to the topic of this post, ACJC's Malay Language and Cultural Society (AC Perbayu) has recently had our stage performance titled 'Penantian' (Waiting). To the rest of the school, it's just a play. But to those involved in it, it's a lot more than that.
For the production team, the play is not like any other drama play. For starters, this isn't like the drama CCA, where they do plays as part of CCA. For us, we're just normal students (maybe not me) who have other CCA life and friends to be with. Having little or no experience at all in theatre, it was quite miraculous that we even managed to pull it off. But pull it off we did, and what a success it was.
The rehearsals were long and hard. It began months back, ending only at around six plus. Then it started getting longer as the day got nearer. Nine plus, then ten plus, then past midnight. It was gruelling, but not a soul complained.
Having the production team bonded is a mere understatement. It was more than that that we obtained from the experience. For once at ACJC, we (at least I) were around those of our kind - Malays (or Malay-speaking) and Muslims. That is something that I treasure greatly, as being in ACJC, or even in JC and growing up developing my own individuality, being proud of my race and language makes a world of a difference to me. That was probably the reason I decided to become an active Perbayu member in the first place. Believe it or not, I have pride in my race, as it is nonetheless part of who I am.
Hiduplah budaya Melayu.
Friends became aplenty during the production. I became really close with all the Malays (and Indonesians/Malay-speaking people). I have to admit that the roles in the production was a bit screwed up. The director became the secretary, the stage manager became the director, the assistant manager became the personal assistant and the cast did crew work. Suffice to say that there was insufficient crew. But that did not hinder us, the crew to not function. It strengthened us even more, leading to a segregation of rivalry between cast and crew, all in the name of good fun. That gave birth to the crew name 'Crew rulez, tau', that I shamelessly put on the last subtitle at the end of every performance.
Oh, and one of my greatest joy was discovering my long-time friend Laila J, whom I befriended at MOELC and last met like three years ago. It's quite an intriguing feeling, discovering an old-time friend. Besides her, I also got to know the other Perbayu seniors, whom I've grown to appreciate as they made me realise that even Perbayu has a spirit and passion to it. Not to mention that the control room people got nicknames for ourselves. I've got Minah Subtitle along with me, Bang Lighting, at the control room during the performance. Man, was that a laugh.
"Theatre is like a bee. When you get stung, you can either get hurt by it and never want to go through it again or revel in the sting and can't get enough of that feeling."
- Mr Sani Hussin, director of 'Penantian'
(ok, maybe that's a really well-done rephrasing of what he said)
I guess what he said really was true. For most of us, tha latter is true. A lot of us are already suffering withdrawal symptoms. I mean, there's a feeling of emptiness, not going for a rehearsal and tiring yourself out every afternoon till late night, after doing that for so long. The experience of making the production and staging it was simply incredible. The feeling of knowing that the audience is in awe at the performance, and knowing that they're like that because of you, is just remarkable. That probably is the joy in theatre.
"Life is short. If you were to die, at least do so knowing that there was a sweet moment in your life that will burn forever in your memory, and is worth dying for."
- Mr Sani Hussin, before the first performance
(another adaptation)
Another beautiful quote, that pushed us to our best and made it an unforgetable experience. However, there's still the rest of life to persue now. Everybody has to go back to wherever they left off before this miracle. There's still the post-mortem meeting and celebration BBQ party to look forward to, so there's still another moment to cherish. But wherever we go after this, all of us will have this burning memory with us to live for.
The same goes for me. I'm even moving on already, or forced to. Actually, I'm already at Pre-U Seminar as I type this, typing this entry on the school laptop after lights-out at NUS campus residence. Hope to get excused to go for the celebration. And of course, hope that there'll be another experience like this one to look forward to next year.
Di sini akhirnya Penantian untuk Perbayu untuk tahun ini...
Maybe it's true when they say that I neglect my studies too much. I care a lot more for what I do and the opportunities offered to me, never learning to say no. Perhaps it's because all I am is what I am and what I do, if you get that. Whatever it is, I'm neglecting other aspects of my life (or what's left of it). Academic life is all screwed, flopping every test, not exactly for the reason that I didn't study. Really long story, won't even bother going on about that. Social life's quite fine I guess, with all the meetings and inter-school activities, my contact list gets a constant input. Still, I haven't been able to watch my year-long awaited movies (MI:iii/Da Vinci Code/X3). But my personal life is suffering a bit now. I get too caught up with all that I do until I don't seem to care much about others anymore, something I hope to change when this is all over.
Not to mention that this blog is missing out on its usual contents. Really low on inspiration now actually, with more design works than I can catch up on inspiration. I do promise however that by the end of the June holidays, I'll have something up to add on to my Anthologies or Grimoire. Chances are, you wouldn't even remember what those are anymore.
Back to the topic of this post, ACJC's Malay Language and Cultural Society (AC Perbayu) has recently had our stage performance titled 'Penantian' (Waiting). To the rest of the school, it's just a play. But to those involved in it, it's a lot more than that.
For the production team, the play is not like any other drama play. For starters, this isn't like the drama CCA, where they do plays as part of CCA. For us, we're just normal students (maybe not me) who have other CCA life and friends to be with. Having little or no experience at all in theatre, it was quite miraculous that we even managed to pull it off. But pull it off we did, and what a success it was.
The rehearsals were long and hard. It began months back, ending only at around six plus. Then it started getting longer as the day got nearer. Nine plus, then ten plus, then past midnight. It was gruelling, but not a soul complained.
Having the production team bonded is a mere understatement. It was more than that that we obtained from the experience. For once at ACJC, we (at least I) were around those of our kind - Malays (or Malay-speaking) and Muslims. That is something that I treasure greatly, as being in ACJC, or even in JC and growing up developing my own individuality, being proud of my race and language makes a world of a difference to me. That was probably the reason I decided to become an active Perbayu member in the first place. Believe it or not, I have pride in my race, as it is nonetheless part of who I am.
Hiduplah budaya Melayu.
Friends became aplenty during the production. I became really close with all the Malays (and Indonesians/Malay-speaking people). I have to admit that the roles in the production was a bit screwed up. The director became the secretary, the stage manager became the director, the assistant manager became the personal assistant and the cast did crew work. Suffice to say that there was insufficient crew. But that did not hinder us, the crew to not function. It strengthened us even more, leading to a segregation of rivalry between cast and crew, all in the name of good fun. That gave birth to the crew name 'Crew rulez, tau', that I shamelessly put on the last subtitle at the end of every performance.
Oh, and one of my greatest joy was discovering my long-time friend Laila J, whom I befriended at MOELC and last met like three years ago. It's quite an intriguing feeling, discovering an old-time friend. Besides her, I also got to know the other Perbayu seniors, whom I've grown to appreciate as they made me realise that even Perbayu has a spirit and passion to it. Not to mention that the control room people got nicknames for ourselves. I've got Minah Subtitle along with me, Bang Lighting, at the control room during the performance. Man, was that a laugh.
"Theatre is like a bee. When you get stung, you can either get hurt by it and never want to go through it again or revel in the sting and can't get enough of that feeling."
- Mr Sani Hussin, director of 'Penantian'
(ok, maybe that's a really well-done rephrasing of what he said)
I guess what he said really was true. For most of us, tha latter is true. A lot of us are already suffering withdrawal symptoms. I mean, there's a feeling of emptiness, not going for a rehearsal and tiring yourself out every afternoon till late night, after doing that for so long. The experience of making the production and staging it was simply incredible. The feeling of knowing that the audience is in awe at the performance, and knowing that they're like that because of you, is just remarkable. That probably is the joy in theatre.
"Life is short. If you were to die, at least do so knowing that there was a sweet moment in your life that will burn forever in your memory, and is worth dying for."
- Mr Sani Hussin, before the first performance
(another adaptation)
Another beautiful quote, that pushed us to our best and made it an unforgetable experience. However, there's still the rest of life to persue now. Everybody has to go back to wherever they left off before this miracle. There's still the post-mortem meeting and celebration BBQ party to look forward to, so there's still another moment to cherish. But wherever we go after this, all of us will have this burning memory with us to live for.
The same goes for me. I'm even moving on already, or forced to. Actually, I'm already at Pre-U Seminar as I type this, typing this entry on the school laptop after lights-out at NUS campus residence. Hope to get excused to go for the celebration. And of course, hope that there'll be another experience like this one to look forward to next year.
Di sini akhirnya Penantian untuk Perbayu untuk tahun ini...
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Sunday, May 14, 2006
End it
![]() | You scored as Gunshot. Your death will be by gunshot, probably because you are some important person or whatever. Possibly a sniper, nice, quick, clean shot to the head. Just beautiful.
How Will You Die?? created with |
Oh cool. Yes please.
You know, the idea of apocalypse doesn't sound so bad right about now.
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
10 hours of it.
You think you can endure that?
Well I had to back on Saturday at the WSS.
I never want to go through that ever again.
How do you keep a people's person sane throughout 10 miserable hours of silence?
Sure is a hard thing to do.
Well, considering that I couldn't fulfill half of the competition requirements,
I filled my time reading the help section of every program.
Found out a couple of useful stuff too.
And just for kicks,
I hid a few hidden goodies within the website
That would reveal some very 'interesting' messages if the judges found out.
"Whoops, I forgot to finish this"
I was that bored.
You would be if you had to spend 10 hours not knowing how to complete the task you're given.
But it all ended well, with my sanity still intact,
Though I doubt it.
And I was hoping they would at least give us something to bring back home after keeping us away from society for 10 hours...
A little keychain would do.
But no...
They just had to leave us off in a state of semi-consciousness and begging to hear another human voice again.
You know, when I first created this blog, I really never thought that I would complain here.
Like how some people post about their cliche sad life for the sake of self-pity.
Neither did I expect to express such angst.
But then again, I did start the first post out of angst.
I do hope that I can get back to writing my usual columns.
Really miss writing stuff that is actually worth reading.
I'll get back to that soon.
As soon as I have some free time.
Notice the irony.
GP lessons have been rather fun.
We created a new activity.
It's called:
Homosexual necrophilic beastiality.
Figure it, then try it out.
We could use some comments for the next lesson.
Oh, and I figured out what knocked me out at the swim meet.
Yeah, I know, took me a week to realise.
The mis-plunge knocked the air out of my lungs.
That screwed things up more than having my goggles askew.
But heck, like anyone would care...
...not as much as a new sexual activity
You think you can endure that?
Well I had to back on Saturday at the WSS.
I never want to go through that ever again.
How do you keep a people's person sane throughout 10 miserable hours of silence?
Sure is a hard thing to do.
Well, considering that I couldn't fulfill half of the competition requirements,
I filled my time reading the help section of every program.
Found out a couple of useful stuff too.
And just for kicks,
I hid a few hidden goodies within the website
That would reveal some very 'interesting' messages if the judges found out.
"Whoops, I forgot to finish this"
I was that bored.
You would be if you had to spend 10 hours not knowing how to complete the task you're given.
But it all ended well, with my sanity still intact,
Though I doubt it.
And I was hoping they would at least give us something to bring back home after keeping us away from society for 10 hours...
A little keychain would do.
But no...
They just had to leave us off in a state of semi-consciousness and begging to hear another human voice again.
You know, when I first created this blog, I really never thought that I would complain here.
Like how some people post about their cliche sad life for the sake of self-pity.
Neither did I expect to express such angst.
But then again, I did start the first post out of angst.
I do hope that I can get back to writing my usual columns.
Really miss writing stuff that is actually worth reading.
I'll get back to that soon.
As soon as I have some free time.
Notice the irony.
GP lessons have been rather fun.
We created a new activity.
It's called:
Homosexual necrophilic beastiality.
Figure it, then try it out.
We could use some comments for the next lesson.
Oh, and I figured out what knocked me out at the swim meet.
Yeah, I know, took me a week to realise.
The mis-plunge knocked the air out of my lungs.
That screwed things up more than having my goggles askew.
But heck, like anyone would care...
...not as much as a new sexual activity
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Fast Forward
Saturday, March 11 2006
It was the aftermath of the battle
In which my future was decided.
But it's now over.
Just relinquishing the grip that worry had on me.
Only hoping that someday I'll be able to repay the deed
Set upon me.
25 days later...
That last statement is now an understatement.
I'm currently in 3 CCAs already (depends on technicality)
And trying to push my way through to Students' Council.
Oh wait, don't tell them I already have 3 CCAs
Don't think they want overenthusiastic and overcommitted people.
Not to mention I'm representing the college so soon already.
Come June I'll be down for the Pre-University Seminar
Doing what else? Multimedia of course.
Also in Malay Perbayu drama production.
Whose script has more lines than the notes that I can barely memorise.
And on top of that, I'm in the World Skills Sinapore (WSS) Web Design competition.
Went for the briefing last Friday morning.
Never thought that I'd be overwhelmed by ITE students.
Or even laughed at by them.
It took me long enough to realise that it was an open tertiary category
Where participants could also be from polytechnics and ITEs.
And guess what? I'm the only JC competitor
And the youngest.
I read through the expectation list for the website.
Halfway down and I was already lost.
There were acronyms that I didn't know exist.
How the hell am I suppose to compete with them?
With people who STUDY the skills needed in school?!?!
The skills I've got for the websites were those that I learn AFTER school.
On top of other homeworks and revisions and trainings and such!
But heck, looking at past years' winners, I wasn't planning to win anyway.
It will be simply an experience from which I would learn from the professionals.
Then use it back in future JC category competitions, hehehe.
So yeah, that sums to the fact that now I do not have a life.
My only free time is on Monday afternoons.
Yes, that means even weekends are full.
That Monday will probably be taken up too to make ends meet.
Free time shall now be a word used to reminisc about my kindergarten days.
(unless you consider the time spent mugging on the Eyewitness series)
This week was the college annual swim meet.
Probably the most embarrassing and disappointing time of my life.
Ok, maybe the WSS will be the most embarrassing.
50m freestyle was at least 5 seconds off my personal best.
That's the difference betweeen my current last placing and five places above.
100m freestyle was a disaster.
For the record, yes dear concerned (aka kepo) readers, I screwed up 100m freestyle.
Made the most embarrassing scene in swim meet history.
I'm gonna be on the cover of the next Echo now.
So here's the exclusive first hand details.
1st mistake: Screwed the plunge, causing goggles to go askew, didn't correct.
2nd mistake: Half blind, went blank, lost balance, causing improper breathing.
3rd mistake: Couldn't turn properly to breathe, causing a lot of drinking.
4th mistake: Got bloated sick with water, out of air to continue, paused at 75m.
5th mistake: Didn't pause to catch breathe, giving the audience a full view of my struggle, and the photographers a million shots of that moment.
There you have it guys. An exclusive coverage of that screw-up.
If you think that one month is a short period of time
Think again.
A lot can happen in just one month.
I would know
Because the next time I blog
Another month would have flown by.
Maybe then I can post scans of my interview in Echo.
It was the aftermath of the battle
In which my future was decided.
But it's now over.
Just relinquishing the grip that worry had on me.
Only hoping that someday I'll be able to repay the deed
Set upon me.
25 days later...
That last statement is now an understatement.
I'm currently in 3 CCAs already (depends on technicality)
And trying to push my way through to Students' Council.
Oh wait, don't tell them I already have 3 CCAs
Don't think they want overenthusiastic and overcommitted people.
Not to mention I'm representing the college so soon already.
Come June I'll be down for the Pre-University Seminar
Doing what else? Multimedia of course.
Also in Malay Perbayu drama production.
Whose script has more lines than the notes that I can barely memorise.
And on top of that, I'm in the World Skills Sinapore (WSS) Web Design competition.
Went for the briefing last Friday morning.
Never thought that I'd be overwhelmed by ITE students.
Or even laughed at by them.
It took me long enough to realise that it was an open tertiary category
Where participants could also be from polytechnics and ITEs.
And guess what? I'm the only JC competitor
And the youngest.
I read through the expectation list for the website.
Halfway down and I was already lost.
There were acronyms that I didn't know exist.
How the hell am I suppose to compete with them?
With people who STUDY the skills needed in school?!?!
The skills I've got for the websites were those that I learn AFTER school.
On top of other homeworks and revisions and trainings and such!
But heck, looking at past years' winners, I wasn't planning to win anyway.
It will be simply an experience from which I would learn from the professionals.
Then use it back in future JC category competitions, hehehe.
So yeah, that sums to the fact that now I do not have a life.
My only free time is on Monday afternoons.
Yes, that means even weekends are full.
That Monday will probably be taken up too to make ends meet.
Free time shall now be a word used to reminisc about my kindergarten days.
(unless you consider the time spent mugging on the Eyewitness series)
This week was the college annual swim meet.
Probably the most embarrassing and disappointing time of my life.
Ok, maybe the WSS will be the most embarrassing.
50m freestyle was at least 5 seconds off my personal best.
That's the difference betweeen my current last placing and five places above.
100m freestyle was a disaster.
For the record, yes dear concerned (aka kepo) readers, I screwed up 100m freestyle.
Made the most embarrassing scene in swim meet history.
I'm gonna be on the cover of the next Echo now.
So here's the exclusive first hand details.
1st mistake: Screwed the plunge, causing goggles to go askew, didn't correct.
2nd mistake: Half blind, went blank, lost balance, causing improper breathing.
3rd mistake: Couldn't turn properly to breathe, causing a lot of drinking.
4th mistake: Got bloated sick with water, out of air to continue, paused at 75m.
5th mistake: Didn't pause to catch breathe, giving the audience a full view of my struggle, and the photographers a million shots of that moment.
There you have it guys. An exclusive coverage of that screw-up.
If you think that one month is a short period of time
Think again.
A lot can happen in just one month.
I would know
Because the next time I blog
Another month would have flown by.
Maybe then I can post scans of my interview in Echo.
Saturday, March 11, 2006
Anxiety Buried
Dear God
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change
Courage to change those that I can
And the wisdom to know the difference
It turned out
That I did change what I could
And the Devil's pact was an Angel's blessing
And it wasn't my talents that saved me
But my own skills at dealing with the situation
Victory tastes sweet nonetheless
There's still the irony
Of the angel being in blood red that morning
But you can't expect life to be all that dramatic
So now I'm back
For sure
Free from my past obligation
Only needing to repay the blessing, nothing more
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change
Courage to change those that I can
And the wisdom to know the difference
It turned out
That I did change what I could
And the Devil's pact was an Angel's blessing
And it wasn't my talents that saved me
But my own skills at dealing with the situation
Victory tastes sweet nonetheless
There's still the irony
Of the angel being in blood red that morning
But you can't expect life to be all that dramatic
So now I'm back
For sure
Free from my past obligation
Only needing to repay the blessing, nothing more
Friday, March 10, 2006
Anxiety Dead
Good news for a change
After suffering so much
Salvation did not come as a celebration
But merely a relief
How ironic
At a school that is supposedly holy
I signed the Devil's pact
Sold my soul just to stay in place
What is it?
Tomorrow will tell.
Heh, at least I'm staying.
Maybe that's all that matters.
Or is it?
Because of you
I never stray too far from the sidewalk
Because of you
I learned to play on the safe side so I don't get hurt
Because of you
I find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around me
Because of you
I am afraid
Good news for a change
After suffering so much
Salvation did not come as a celebration
But merely a relief
How ironic
At a school that is supposedly holy
I signed the Devil's pact
Sold my soul just to stay in place
What is it?
Tomorrow will tell.
Heh, at least I'm staying.
Maybe that's all that matters.
Or is it?
Because of you
I never stray too far from the sidewalk
Because of you
I learned to play on the safe side so I don't get hurt
Because of you
I find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around me
Because of you
I am afraid
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Fatal Anxiety
Time to face the alternate possibility.
Tried my luck on other grounds.
Am I being rejected?
By the very people I hold dear?
"Where the treasure is,
is where your heart belongs."
They say life is a roller coaster
Full of ups and downs.
Life is a suicidal freefall
Everything just passes by quickly
You just keep going down
And in the end, you know you'll just die.
So what exactly is the point?
Tried my luck on other grounds.
Am I being rejected?
By the very people I hold dear?
"Where the treasure is,
is where your heart belongs."
They say life is a roller coaster
Full of ups and downs.
Life is a suicidal freefall
Everything just passes by quickly
You just keep going down
And in the end, you know you'll just die.
So what exactly is the point?
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Murderous Anxiety
Orientation two this morning.
Sure cheered up the mood a bit.
Two days, still no news.
Tick tock tick tock.
Three days more to tick.
The ticking will soon stop.
Where will I be after that?
Sure cheered up the mood a bit.
Two days, still no news.
Tick tock tick tock.
Three days more to tick.
The ticking will soon stop.
Where will I be after that?
Monday, March 06, 2006
The weekend has passed.
A call of false hope.
Nothing is certain yet.
Another day passed.
Still nothing.
Will I stay?
Tomorrow will tell.
I hope.
A call of false hope.
Nothing is certain yet.
Another day passed.
Still nothing.
Will I stay?
Tomorrow will tell.
I hope.
Friday, March 03, 2006
Monday, February 20, 2006
Anthologies #08 - Unconditional
ALmost a week late, but heck, who's giving the deadlines around here?
Without further ado, presenting my Valentine piece.
Seraphim Anthology #08 - Unconditional
A poem by Seraphim
If roses are red, and violets are blue,
Sugar is far more sweeter than you.
If winter dawns, and water turns to ice,
A gaze it draws deeper than your eyes.
If the sun sets, and blood trickle,
Your cheeks would match it very little.
If spring comes, and flowers bloom,
Not yours is the smell that fills the room.
If birds would chirp, and the wind sings,
Never would your voice have such a melodious ring.
And yet, by heaven, I think my love as rare,
For it is not one that is born from compare.
A love not from how you are,
Thus a love that has stretch thus far.
Heh, I know that if you're a literary fan, you'll be vomiting at the lack of taste in my first attempt at a sonnet. But hey, how many people out there are literature enthusiasts? Or even know what a sonnet is for that matter?
So there you go, my first attempt at a sonnet and my Valentine piece.
Without further ado, presenting my Valentine piece.
Seraphim Anthology #08 - Unconditional
A poem by Seraphim
If roses are red, and violets are blue,
Sugar is far more sweeter than you.
If winter dawns, and water turns to ice,
A gaze it draws deeper than your eyes.
If the sun sets, and blood trickle,
Your cheeks would match it very little.
If spring comes, and flowers bloom,
Not yours is the smell that fills the room.
If birds would chirp, and the wind sings,
Never would your voice have such a melodious ring.
And yet, by heaven, I think my love as rare,
For it is not one that is born from compare.
A love not from how you are,
Thus a love that has stretch thus far.
Heh, I know that if you're a literary fan, you'll be vomiting at the lack of taste in my first attempt at a sonnet. But hey, how many people out there are literature enthusiasts? Or even know what a sonnet is for that matter?
So there you go, my first attempt at a sonnet and my Valentine piece.
Saturday, February 11, 2006
Being Blunt
I was there, sitiing in front of my sec 4 form teacher. She handed me a stack of things, smiled, then I walked away. I peeped at the first grade.
Couldn't look at anything else as I was suddenly tailed by a mob of juniors who weren't even getting their results. For some reason, I became a little senseless. Tried to run away from the mob for the next five minutes while trying to make out what the slip was telling me. In the end I gave up and consulted my form teacher again to make sense of things. Didn't help much since she didn't know what it says either. Can't blame her, she's a Chinese teacher after all.
After quite some time, I regained my senses and finally summed up the whole stack of paper into a single number.
What the hell.
All that trouble for that stinking number? Oh sure, the bonus -4 would let me stay at ACJC. But still, what kind bloody score is that? From a school which made history with four 9 A1 students (possibly more considering HMT), countless of 8, 7, 6, 5 A1 students, the top Tamil student, an overhaul of 10, 9, 8, 7 pointers and an overwhelming percentage of distinctions, that number is nowhere of that calibre.
What a shame, to find out that my primary school friends are generally doing rather well. And to think that once upon a time, I was their superior. Got a call from my primary school teacher this morning. Almost didn't have the heart to tell her my results.
You know what? DAMN IT!!!!! 14!!!!!! WHAT - THE -HELL!!!!!!!
Shit really does happen.
But on the brightside...
I'm technically a ten pointer, holder of 4 distinctions, a two page testimnonial, and an ACJC student.
And to think I failed midyear.
Disregarding my own ego, that's not too bad.
Couldn't look at anything else as I was suddenly tailed by a mob of juniors who weren't even getting their results. For some reason, I became a little senseless. Tried to run away from the mob for the next five minutes while trying to make out what the slip was telling me. In the end I gave up and consulted my form teacher again to make sense of things. Didn't help much since she didn't know what it says either. Can't blame her, she's a Chinese teacher after all.
After quite some time, I regained my senses and finally summed up the whole stack of paper into a single number.
What the hell.
All that trouble for that stinking number? Oh sure, the bonus -4 would let me stay at ACJC. But still, what kind bloody score is that? From a school which made history with four 9 A1 students (possibly more considering HMT), countless of 8, 7, 6, 5 A1 students, the top Tamil student, an overhaul of 10, 9, 8, 7 pointers and an overwhelming percentage of distinctions, that number is nowhere of that calibre.
What a shame, to find out that my primary school friends are generally doing rather well. And to think that once upon a time, I was their superior. Got a call from my primary school teacher this morning. Almost didn't have the heart to tell her my results.
You know what? DAMN IT!!!!! 14!!!!!! WHAT - THE -HELL!!!!!!!
Shit really does happen.
But on the brightside...
I'm technically a ten pointer, holder of 4 distinctions, a two page testimnonial, and an ACJC student.
And to think I failed midyear.
Disregarding my own ego, that's not too bad.
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Waving the blue, yellow, red flag
School! Junior college! Anglo-Chinese Junior College! I was thinking of keeping the name references to a minimum, thus the vagueness of the 8 Jan entry, but you know what? Screw the potential suers who are desperate to exploit innocent bloggers! Let freedom of speech be true to it's words!
That was a complete diversion from my intended topic FYI. School's boring? That's what most people who go to schools where they just teach the 1 to 10 of NeoPrint posing would say. The same does not apply if you go to a school which has a metro for a DM, a gollum impersonator for a history teacher, a vulgar Englishman for a literature teacher, errr... nothing exciting for the science students though, a cake food fight for every birthday, eye candy all day, dunking at the pool whenever the attendant isn't looking, a rule that involves your friend and light shining, and did I say eye candy? All that beginning with the blessing of a dead lord every morning. Yup, that's my school alright.
ACJC is a fairly nice place. I mean HELL YEAH it's a nice place! We've got the best sports facility! Woo hoo! Ok, maybe except for the toilet. I'm so jealous! The girls have a bright, cheery, yellow toilet but the guys get a dull blue. Maybe it's to camouflage the shit that you'd frequently find in odd places at the cubicles. But then again, I can't say the toilets are bad. It's a universal condition for the male toilets to be bad due to their masculine practises.
ACJC is the home to swim P.E. Yup, SWIM PE. How cool is that? Ok ok, other than being the main concern of the male desire, it's sure a hell lot of fun nonetheless. I learnt quite a lesson at the last session, that being a lifeguard is the dullest thing ever. The only thrilling moment when I had to do lifeguard duty during the lesson was when someone appeared to be struggling in the pool. That was when my fellow swimmer-on-lifeguard-duty-mate got over-excited and threw the floating device to him. Of course, he wasn't in any danger, but I dare add that the float hitting him straight in the head was a greater danger.
As for appearance, you can more or less look as and how you wish. Heck, you can even dye your hair if you want. Just claim that you're a swimmer and your hair to bleached. I'm not sure if bleaching causes a variety of colour change though. For the shoes, you're supposed to wear those with 70% white. Like how the hell do you calculate that? But the shoes there are quite sick actually. Study a passing crowd and you'll alternate between Nike and Adidas. Hairstyle is not much of a problem. A friend (aka soliloquy master), happened to have a physics teacher on PMS one day and was introduced to a pseudorule of a ban on gelled hair. I don't really think that's an actual rule, noone else knew about it, including our dear metro DM. He of course sobbed as a soliloquy siren all the way home.
There was cross-country this afternoon. It was quite an interesting affair, began with students getting lost in the weirdest bus routes, like my friends and I who ended up passing by a sim Lim lookalike. As per the universal cross-country tradition, there were people hell-bent on strolling all the way. And of course there are the anorexic (ok, maybe not so) athletes who take up the top few positions. I nobly ran for my house to give my share of two points for the house system. LSG won both boys champion and girls champion, and of course, overall champion btw. Go LSG! We rawk!
I'd love to write more, but I'm behind time on my EXCITING literature assignment, instead of any BORING science MUGGING that some of the students have to do. So until next time, may your flag bear the same colours as mine in the future.
P.s.: Thanks for ur blog greeting pumpkin! And the other million greetings that you sent me through all means of communications!
That was a complete diversion from my intended topic FYI. School's boring? That's what most people who go to schools where they just teach the 1 to 10 of NeoPrint posing would say. The same does not apply if you go to a school which has a metro for a DM, a gollum impersonator for a history teacher, a vulgar Englishman for a literature teacher, errr... nothing exciting for the science students though, a cake food fight for every birthday, eye candy all day, dunking at the pool whenever the attendant isn't looking, a rule that involves your friend and light shining, and did I say eye candy? All that beginning with the blessing of a dead lord every morning. Yup, that's my school alright.
ACJC is a fairly nice place. I mean HELL YEAH it's a nice place! We've got the best sports facility! Woo hoo! Ok, maybe except for the toilet. I'm so jealous! The girls have a bright, cheery, yellow toilet but the guys get a dull blue. Maybe it's to camouflage the shit that you'd frequently find in odd places at the cubicles. But then again, I can't say the toilets are bad. It's a universal condition for the male toilets to be bad due to their masculine practises.
ACJC is the home to swim P.E. Yup, SWIM PE. How cool is that? Ok ok, other than being the main concern of the male desire, it's sure a hell lot of fun nonetheless. I learnt quite a lesson at the last session, that being a lifeguard is the dullest thing ever. The only thrilling moment when I had to do lifeguard duty during the lesson was when someone appeared to be struggling in the pool. That was when my fellow swimmer-on-lifeguard-duty-mate got over-excited and threw the floating device to him. Of course, he wasn't in any danger, but I dare add that the float hitting him straight in the head was a greater danger.
As for appearance, you can more or less look as and how you wish. Heck, you can even dye your hair if you want. Just claim that you're a swimmer and your hair to bleached. I'm not sure if bleaching causes a variety of colour change though. For the shoes, you're supposed to wear those with 70% white. Like how the hell do you calculate that? But the shoes there are quite sick actually. Study a passing crowd and you'll alternate between Nike and Adidas. Hairstyle is not much of a problem. A friend (aka soliloquy master), happened to have a physics teacher on PMS one day and was introduced to a pseudorule of a ban on gelled hair. I don't really think that's an actual rule, noone else knew about it, including our dear metro DM. He of course sobbed as a soliloquy siren all the way home.
There was cross-country this afternoon. It was quite an interesting affair, began with students getting lost in the weirdest bus routes, like my friends and I who ended up passing by a sim Lim lookalike. As per the universal cross-country tradition, there were people hell-bent on strolling all the way. And of course there are the anorexic (ok, maybe not so) athletes who take up the top few positions. I nobly ran for my house to give my share of two points for the house system. LSG won both boys champion and girls champion, and of course, overall champion btw. Go LSG! We rawk!
I'd love to write more, but I'm behind time on my EXCITING literature assignment, instead of any BORING science MUGGING that some of the students have to do. So until next time, may your flag bear the same colours as mine in the future.
P.s.: Thanks for ur blog greeting pumpkin! And the other million greetings that you sent me through all means of communications!
Sunday, January 22, 2006
JC 101
(at least for mine)
Coming into school alone or planning to get to junior college?
Here's some nifty tips to get you going.
1. Be cool
Don't try to be cool, don't act cool, just be it.
But if you can't, just don't bother. Rather not be a poser.
2. Take up a sport
Chicks dig it, man. Besides, it's cool to be wearing the school colours.
To top it up, you'll look good too, hehe.
3. Develop a talent
Noone wants a pure academic anymore. You gotta be more than just a student.
You can't lose out on experience to those nuts at the poly you know.
4. Know the right people
Not really to be popular (yeah right), but to get to know even more people.
If you know someone who knows ten others, you know eleven people already.
5. Get yourself known
It's sad, but popularity is still a major factor in college.
Not just for social reasons, but for other reasons as well.
You'll need it to even get into the students' council.
Out of ideas? Just do a publicity stunt.
6. Never get broke
When you're popular (or not), you're bound to get invitations to a million outings.
Unless you have unlimited fundings, I suggest you plan your expenditure.
But if you find yourself broke, good luck.
7. Bring all sorts of attire
Hey, let's go to the gym! You'd get that at any college.
Hey, let's go swimming! That's harder to dress up for, or rather, dress down.
There's a million and one things to do at school, and even after that.
You don't want to change for swimming and find out that you're just wearing your birthday suit.
8. Master digression
A most useful art. With such colourful people in the school, you're soon to run out of things to flaunt.
Top marks in class still can't beat the jaguar your friend came to school in.
Could save you from social fatality.
9. Learn how to dodge
The discipline master could pick out offences you'd never realise in a million years.
That could set you back two hours in the afternoon.
Best to just avoid that.
10. Get close to your class (and your OG)
They'll be like your family during your stay at the school.
You'll never run out of people to sit with during lunch or go out with after school.
Or borrow notes from when you're taking a break during lectures.
*No money back guarantee
Sunday, January 08, 2006
Forbidden Files #04 - Behind the Eagle Dragon's Roar
Happy new year guys! It's been too long since I blogged, and longer still since my last exposé. So I thought of kicking off the year with one, and also something that pertains a little closer to me. There you have it, enjoy.
Forbidden Files #04 - Behind the Eagle Dragon's Roar
An exposé by Seraphim
On the morning of 3rd January 2006, I awoke with very blurred vision after not waking up so early in the morning for months. That day I wore my colour of blue, without the glitter and silk, though how I missed those on me. The atmosphere outside was just as how I remembered it the last time I went out to school. It was a little colder this time, with the frequent rain. Along the way, I met my brothers in blue, heading towards others of our colour. It was a new year, a new term at school, and all was like how it used to be.
That is not entirely true though. While those whom I met in blue were heading off to one destination, I was off to another. In the same colour, I bore a different badge. One shining with a mythical creature with the body of a dragon, eagle's wings and the head of a lion. A creature belonging to a family with a most proud heritage. That, was the badge I bore.
When one walks through the grounds underneath the red, yellow and blue banner, one can tell the proud history that accumulated at the school. As honourable as it is, the students there seem to take on a different image in the eyes of the outsiders. If you know what I'm talking about, you should know what they are called. If you don't, gee get a brain and look around for the good JCs. To put it simply, students there are known as arrogant snobs.
Is that even true? After having some first hand experience there myself, I don't see how that can be so. Okay, maybe that's a little true. Slightly more. Okay okay, it's a quite true... On a more serious note, it's surprising how such a rumour even sprouted. Shocking, but true.
The school's history stands proud with a very impressive CCA record, in the achievement of sports, excellence of performing arts and reputation of the clubs and societies. Overall, the school has a positive front to the public.
Perhaps this rumour sprouted from jealousy, as what I have found the seniors to claim. Not jealousy of the school's achievements, as that would have obviously made them arrogant anyway, but of the school's spirit. There, there is a very strong sense of culture and identity amongst the students. A sense of belonging so strong it is like an everylasting flame in the hearts of every students. None is shameful to bear the badge and shout the school's name. That is the fiery passion they have for the school.
Personally, I would really dismiss the rumour. I can't think of another explaination or excuse to it. That is just the only reason for it, nothing else. It's as simple as that.
Maybe the rumour is true, or maybe not. That is up to you.
I hope that's a good enough article to start off the year and continue my 'highly acclaimed' Forbidden Files series. For those in JCs, hope you guys had a wonderful orientation. For those not, SUCK-ERS!
Oh, and my OG ROCKS!!!! We are gonna send a probe to Uranus!
Andalite, Carnsir, the WORLD. ACSperience, you've got to have it!
Btw, here's my personality disorders:
Paranoid? So true... Narcissist? HAHA! YES!!!

The ULTIMATE personality test
brought to you by Quizilla
Ooh, I like this one...
Forbidden Files #04 - Behind the Eagle Dragon's Roar
An exposé by Seraphim
On the morning of 3rd January 2006, I awoke with very blurred vision after not waking up so early in the morning for months. That day I wore my colour of blue, without the glitter and silk, though how I missed those on me. The atmosphere outside was just as how I remembered it the last time I went out to school. It was a little colder this time, with the frequent rain. Along the way, I met my brothers in blue, heading towards others of our colour. It was a new year, a new term at school, and all was like how it used to be.
That is not entirely true though. While those whom I met in blue were heading off to one destination, I was off to another. In the same colour, I bore a different badge. One shining with a mythical creature with the body of a dragon, eagle's wings and the head of a lion. A creature belonging to a family with a most proud heritage. That, was the badge I bore.
When one walks through the grounds underneath the red, yellow and blue banner, one can tell the proud history that accumulated at the school. As honourable as it is, the students there seem to take on a different image in the eyes of the outsiders. If you know what I'm talking about, you should know what they are called. If you don't, gee get a brain and look around for the good JCs. To put it simply, students there are known as arrogant snobs.
Is that even true? After having some first hand experience there myself, I don't see how that can be so. Okay, maybe that's a little true. Slightly more. Okay okay, it's a quite true... On a more serious note, it's surprising how such a rumour even sprouted. Shocking, but true.
The school's history stands proud with a very impressive CCA record, in the achievement of sports, excellence of performing arts and reputation of the clubs and societies. Overall, the school has a positive front to the public.
Perhaps this rumour sprouted from jealousy, as what I have found the seniors to claim. Not jealousy of the school's achievements, as that would have obviously made them arrogant anyway, but of the school's spirit. There, there is a very strong sense of culture and identity amongst the students. A sense of belonging so strong it is like an everylasting flame in the hearts of every students. None is shameful to bear the badge and shout the school's name. That is the fiery passion they have for the school.
Personally, I would really dismiss the rumour. I can't think of another explaination or excuse to it. That is just the only reason for it, nothing else. It's as simple as that.
Maybe the rumour is true, or maybe not. That is up to you.
I hope that's a good enough article to start off the year and continue my 'highly acclaimed' Forbidden Files series. For those in JCs, hope you guys had a wonderful orientation. For those not, SUCK-ERS!
Oh, and my OG ROCKS!!!! We are gonna send a probe to Uranus!
Andalite, Carnsir, the WORLD. ACSperience, you've got to have it!
Btw, here's my personality disorders:
Disorder | Rating |
Paranoid Disorder: | High |
Schizoid Disorder: | Low |
Schizotypal Disorder: | Moderate |
Antisocial Disorder: | Moderate |
Borderline Disorder: | Low |
Histrionic Disorder: | Moderate |
Narcissistic Disorder: | High |
Avoidant Disorder: | Low |
Dependent Disorder: | Low |
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: | Moderate |
Paranoid? So true... Narcissist? HAHA! YES!!!

The ULTIMATE personality test
brought to you by Quizilla
Ooh, I like this one...
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