
Tuesday, July 20, 2004


The councillors of Commonwealth Secondary School are a most unique batch of people. Unlike all the other student leaders in the school, the councillors possess their own distinct qualities. Below are the top ten reasons that make them CSS Councillors.

Top Ten Reasons That Make You Are A CSS Student Councillor

10. You don't have a life

09. You acknowledges homework as not the hardest thing about school

08. You regularly skip parts of lessons

07. You feel miserable on a daily basis

06. You have the priviledge to copy homework while others are at assembly

05. You spend every school holiday going off to voluntary torture sessions for several days

04. You attend a monthly function where you tolerate three hours of blaming

03. You could be fifteen minutes late for a meeting yet still arrive just in time for the meeting to start

02. You have a morning run every morning to report earlier than the person marking the attendance who is strolling to school

01. You have the time of your life being a councillor!!!

It is understood that the author of this blog has been bored and in dire need of an inspirational writing style to write a more interesting entry. Meanwhile, this entry is to be used to sufficiently amuse readers for the time being.

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