Inspiration is something rare these few days. It needs to be derived from somewhere, so today we shall inspire from other sources. Let us take a look at some entries from the Encyclopedia of Useless Facts.
Common test
A series of assessment papers that are given to students by their teachers occassionally to assess their understanding in the various subjects. The contents of the papers highly contradict each other. Examples would be grammar mistakes in english tests, concept misprint in science tests and unprinted units in mathematics tests. Many consider themselves lucky just having passed the papers, with the 'many' referring to lazy bastards who sleep during lessons but seem to pay full attention during recess.
A small panel incorporated into a website for visitors to post their comments. The panel is usually minute compared to the whole page, reflecting the owner's genitals. It most cases, their color is that which does not suit the template of its owner as they are incapable of producing presentable templates. Tagboards can be found in websites called 'Blogs'. This is where homo sapiens publicise the sucky state of their lives and flaunt their stupidity and inability to use grmmatical english.
Contents in blogs are posted by homo sapiens who have nothing better to do. It ranges from inproper phrasing of insults to inaccurate accusations of certain things, which isn't a very wide range. Similar to the visitors who comment, the contents of the tagboard are useless and constantly need to be checked for grammar.
He first publicised his existence on Saturday, July 14 2004, in the brilliatnt blog of Farhan. This consciousness is nothing more than the alterego of the Great Farhan, a mock to the glory of his complete self. Being an existence of pure parody, living in the vast and complex mind like Farhan's has transformed him into a being of pure hatred and suffering. Although he has been denied recognition, he still seeks for it in this blog.
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