
Monday, July 19, 2004

The Contradiction

The following dialogue happened in the depth of Farhan's vast mind.

Farhan: President or no president, I will still be busy carrying out the responsibilities that have I have from all the positions that I have. To me, it is the initiative to make a difference that matters most.

Rafahn: Do not deny it you ignorant bastard! Long have you kept your emotions at bay by abandoning it to your mind's abyss and allowed logic to rule over your mind. Look at all the anger, sadness and regret inside you. You must not let all of them be passed on to you in bliss.

Farhan: Don't you see? Human emotions are their greatest strength and with it comes their greatest weakness. I can do without any of that and simply suffice with logic that is without weakness.

Rafahn: You cannot deny the inevitable, Farhan. Your own humanity is something that you cannot escape. Sooner or later, you will have to embrace it. there is no refusal as you cannot refuse who you are. Soon you will be consumed by the very thing that you think you control. You must not let that happen. Release your emotions! Be like everyone else. I can help you there. Together, we shall rule your life!

Farhan: No! That cannot come to past! I will not allow it! Humanity is not jsut about genetics, it is about embracing the human spirit. By refusing that I have set myself apart from the others. Save myself from the unnecessary pain of emotional harm and focusing on things that matter. Now I see it! With your right hand you hold a shield to defend us against life's downside but with your left you hold a sword to take me down! Do not take me for a fool! I can see through that cheap disguise of yours.

Rafahn: Mwuahahahahaha. You are already changing yourself according to my specifications. Do you feel that anger that you are releasing? It feels relieving doesn't it? Even in justice you find the injustice of anger. It matters not that you are resisting it. You will soon be consumed by the humanity in you...

Farhan: No, I am losing hold of the very fabric of my mind. I must search my mind for the one thing that could save me and my sanity, I must search for hope...


It is hope that keeps us bound to this world that is ruled by harsh reality...

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