
Sunday, July 11, 2004

The Genesis of a Revolution

Well, welcome everyone to my newly created blog!!!

Let's get some groundrules cleared. This is my blog, so I can say whatever I want and you can't do a shit about it, so forget complaining. Why that is so is because I'll be using this thing to do just that, complain!!! And about the tag board, TAG ON IT!

That was fast. Now since I just created this damn blog, it's not that fancy or nice, so wait a while untill I get some more free time to go hunt down cool effects. It's nice working in HTML instead of Flash for a change.

Ok, now that we've got the basics covered, I think I'll go to the more diary-like part of this thing.

Let's start with an introduction. I'm a 15 year old guy from Commonwealth Secondary who's living his life trying to be just like everyone else. At least that's what people think and what I want them to. When you know me, it is obvious that I am always hiding something from everyone. It's hard living like that, but that is what I have to burden myself with. I know I'll spill the beans some day, but until then let's keep things normal.

At the moment, I'm furious at the fact that the council board's executive committee (exco) has already been chosen. There was barely any careful selection processes involved, yet the decision has already been made. This could highly endanger my chances since I don't get to present my efforts on the research of the school's performance for the assumed interview. Damn terrance.

Oh yeah, I missed out the part of why I wanted to be president in the first place. Some of you may already know that I was once a Head Prefect. When I first stepped into this school, I wanted nothing more than to take over the council board. So to summarise my reason, it was out of sheer desire. Other reasons? I'll keep those personal. So for more than two years I have given everyone the impression of a good leader, with clean reacords and good social relations. Maybe I messed up some people's minds in the process, but that is insignificant. The point is, I decided to play fair in achieving this, so that others might have a chance at presidenship. I guess playing fair has its risks.

So want to know more about my personal social life? Well, I have always been eyeing that girl. She is my heart's desire and the one to make my soul complete. I love those eyes of Miss... err... hmmm.... What? You actually think I'm gonna tel you about my social life? Get real! You'll never catch me talking about it.

Well, I guess this will be my first entry. Hope you guys enjoy reading it just as how I enhoyed writing it. Until next time, ttfn.

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