Before I amuse you once again with my ramblings, I would like to clarify some things. So please put aside the memory of me writing what I have written so far.
It has only been four days since this blog went online, but already it has stirred quite some unnecessary attention and opinions. I started to blog as a means of altering your perception and opinion of me. Perhaps it has done a job too well.
I do notice that my entries are considered highly offensive to some, but that is how it is meant to be. I apologise however if it did offend anyone. It is not me who is writing to you in this blog, it is my grumpy subconscious self. And I did not intend this blog to be a diary or a journal, so contents are as how I perceive things, not how it actually is. So I please urge all you readers to not believe whatever has been said in this blog. Remember, it is only the ramblings of my grumpy subconscious self...
Having that said, I hope that all you readers will read this blog with a lighter heart instead of reading this like a newspaper. To make things appear more fictional, I intend to do just that; write some fiction in this thing. As another advanced warning, the fiction I write here is fictious and is only the production of my sadistic fantasies, not of reality.
Now, please give me a moment while I dig my memory for some sadistic fantasy...
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