Inspiration is something rare these few days. It needs to be derived from somewhere, so today we shall inspire from other sources. Let us take a look at some entries from the Encyclopedia of Useless Facts.
Common test
A series of assessment papers that are given to students by their teachers occassionally to assess their understanding in the various subjects. The contents of the papers highly contradict each other. Examples would be grammar mistakes in english tests, concept misprint in science tests and unprinted units in mathematics tests. Many consider themselves lucky just having passed the papers, with the 'many' referring to lazy bastards who sleep during lessons but seem to pay full attention during recess.
A small panel incorporated into a website for visitors to post their comments. The panel is usually minute compared to the whole page, reflecting the owner's genitals. It most cases, their color is that which does not suit the template of its owner as they are incapable of producing presentable templates. Tagboards can be found in websites called 'Blogs'. This is where homo sapiens publicise the sucky state of their lives and flaunt their stupidity and inability to use grmmatical english.
Contents in blogs are posted by homo sapiens who have nothing better to do. It ranges from inproper phrasing of insults to inaccurate accusations of certain things, which isn't a very wide range. Similar to the visitors who comment, the contents of the tagboard are useless and constantly need to be checked for grammar.
He first publicised his existence on Saturday, July 14 2004, in the brilliatnt blog of Farhan. This consciousness is nothing more than the alterego of the Great Farhan, a mock to the glory of his complete self. Being an existence of pure parody, living in the vast and complex mind like Farhan's has transformed him into a being of pure hatred and suffering. Although he has been denied recognition, he still seeks for it in this blog.
Wednesday, July 28, 2004
Monday, July 26, 2004
Doctor's Prescription
Farhan: For today's entry, I'll be posting a recent english letter assignment that I handed in for my english class. Without a doubt, collegues who have not completed their assignment will copy bits and pieces of it. Though I do not mind much, I would appreciate it if my writing styles (in reference to the other entries) are not to be adapted nor copied. I understand the condition that you losers experience, with the inability for inspiration and proper command of english, but that's life. Live with it. So here's the entry:
Dear backstabber-hating backstabber,
Before I begin, I would like to thank you for the lovely blackmail letter that you have kindly sent me yesterday. It was most lovely. Allow me to continue with more serious matters. During your period working on your career as a public enemy, it has come to light that certain qualities that you possess have been found to be more of a liability to others, specifically me. It has been requested that these qualities are to be eliminated before harsh consequences become necessary. Below are more detailed specifications of those qualities and proper courses of action that are to be taken.
An obvious quality that is found to bother me greatly is your constant mood swings. You portray the ability to rapidly switch emotions dramatically from one that is highly optimistic to one that is highly pessimistic. While just having yourself experience this rapid change is acceptable, it is your different reactions during the changes that are disturbing. When experiencing the more positive qualities, you tend to be gay and display childish foolishness that annoys others. When your mood turns negative, you tend to flaunt insolence and spread depression instead. In order to combat this problematic situation, simply follow instructions that are used to prevent premenstrual stress, as both problems are similar or even identical.
The next issue concerns you being completely ignorant while sending messages using your cellular phone. On my part, I simply feel that I “don’t give a damn” about what you message about, as how simple-minded humans put it. Seriously, knowing about you digitally whining is the last thing that I want to know. While engaging in your virtual argument, you “don’t give a damn” about what happens around you. This is annoying as it interrupts real-life conversations about more important things with me, mainly about how brilliant I am. It has become apparent that your manners with the phone have deteriorated. To counter this, do not be a wimp and argue like a man, face to face. Though you officially have lost your balls, the indication on your I.C. refuses to state your true current gender, so this suggestion still applies to you. A war of words not from your tongue is worth close to nothing, considering your worthlessness.
Lastly, you trouble yourself with voluntary stress. Again, it doesn’t concern me why you want to do this but it is your reactions that bother me. An idiot like you flirting with idiots doing idiotic things and ending up in idiotic situations doesn’t really sounds like fun, does it? Why you would even want to do that is beyond me. My advice on this is simple: get a life! What do you think you’re doing troubling yourself with unnecessary pressure?! You cannot live this world like a dream, always getting what you want. An alternative and preferred suggestion is to end your life. Billions around the world need that oxygen more than you do.
That is the end of this month’s review and prescriptions. I am certain that next month will bring another set of problems. I hope that you take your medication as prescribed. Over dosage is nonetheless preferred. Have a nice life (not)!
The above entry is not aimed at anybody regardless of direct or indirect reference to anyone living or dead. If the above descriptions fit any people in mind, well, live with it sucker!!!
Farhan: For today's entry, I'll be posting a recent english letter assignment that I handed in for my english class. Without a doubt, collegues who have not completed their assignment will copy bits and pieces of it. Though I do not mind much, I would appreciate it if my writing styles (in reference to the other entries) are not to be adapted nor copied. I understand the condition that you losers experience, with the inability for inspiration and proper command of english, but that's life. Live with it. So here's the entry:
Dear backstabber-hating backstabber,
Before I begin, I would like to thank you for the lovely blackmail letter that you have kindly sent me yesterday. It was most lovely. Allow me to continue with more serious matters. During your period working on your career as a public enemy, it has come to light that certain qualities that you possess have been found to be more of a liability to others, specifically me. It has been requested that these qualities are to be eliminated before harsh consequences become necessary. Below are more detailed specifications of those qualities and proper courses of action that are to be taken.
An obvious quality that is found to bother me greatly is your constant mood swings. You portray the ability to rapidly switch emotions dramatically from one that is highly optimistic to one that is highly pessimistic. While just having yourself experience this rapid change is acceptable, it is your different reactions during the changes that are disturbing. When experiencing the more positive qualities, you tend to be gay and display childish foolishness that annoys others. When your mood turns negative, you tend to flaunt insolence and spread depression instead. In order to combat this problematic situation, simply follow instructions that are used to prevent premenstrual stress, as both problems are similar or even identical.
The next issue concerns you being completely ignorant while sending messages using your cellular phone. On my part, I simply feel that I “don’t give a damn” about what you message about, as how simple-minded humans put it. Seriously, knowing about you digitally whining is the last thing that I want to know. While engaging in your virtual argument, you “don’t give a damn” about what happens around you. This is annoying as it interrupts real-life conversations about more important things with me, mainly about how brilliant I am. It has become apparent that your manners with the phone have deteriorated. To counter this, do not be a wimp and argue like a man, face to face. Though you officially have lost your balls, the indication on your I.C. refuses to state your true current gender, so this suggestion still applies to you. A war of words not from your tongue is worth close to nothing, considering your worthlessness.
Lastly, you trouble yourself with voluntary stress. Again, it doesn’t concern me why you want to do this but it is your reactions that bother me. An idiot like you flirting with idiots doing idiotic things and ending up in idiotic situations doesn’t really sounds like fun, does it? Why you would even want to do that is beyond me. My advice on this is simple: get a life! What do you think you’re doing troubling yourself with unnecessary pressure?! You cannot live this world like a dream, always getting what you want. An alternative and preferred suggestion is to end your life. Billions around the world need that oxygen more than you do.
That is the end of this month’s review and prescriptions. I am certain that next month will bring another set of problems. I hope that you take your medication as prescribed. Over dosage is nonetheless preferred. Have a nice life (not)!
The above entry is not aimed at anybody regardless of direct or indirect reference to anyone living or dead. If the above descriptions fit any people in mind, well, live with it sucker!!!
Sunday, July 25, 2004
Realm of Chaos
While searching his vast, complex mind for ideas on new writing styles for this blog, Farhan's ability to decide was suddenly pulled into Rafahn's realm of chaos. The following is a result of that incident.
Farhan: Hello to all readers at home! I am now reporting from the Councillors' Dinner 2004 at the exquisite Rosette Restaurant. This dinner is one hell of a blast! I'm amazed at how well the programmes are able to keep the guests entertained. I mean, the way the lucky draw was given was very unique. With me here I have the restaurant manager to comment on tonight's event. So sir, what do you think of this so far?
Manager: Wow, it is so... *choking sounds* ...Brilliant! It was... *more choking sounds* ...perfectly planned!
Farhan: Well, there you have it folks! I think that is all we have for now. This is Farhan reporting from the CSS SC Dinner. Over and out!
As the night passes, the dinner soon came to an end. Gifts were exchanged, photos were shot and farewells were passed. The excos were then left to salvage the debris left from the night's chaos. After no more could be done, they were once again left at a crossroad as decisions had to be made as to settle the fate of the time that was to pass that night. There were continuous series of heated arguments and long periods of silence before a final decision was made.
Under the light of the full moon, the band of Councillors journeyed through the unfamiliar realm of the Undead Humans. Before their path lies a structure of the Undead Humans. They visit the shrine to view the sacred vision of "I, Robot". The time has come to seal the fate of their remaining journey. Fate has altered their path and led them to a divine place where coffe was bountiful and brownies were plucked from heavenly trays. There, they passed their time conversing on the passing of events and mortal issues. Through their happiness they were unaware of the transformation that was happening. As the clouds unveiled, the moonlight was able to shine its full strength on the unsuspecting crowd. Amidst them was a creature beyond myths and history. A creature that was powered by the moon's light and possesses the ability to drain the minds of those around him. Happiness distracted the party as the WereSucker drained the crowd of their thoughts. A constant wave of fresh thoughts flooded him as time passed. The rest were helpless, unknowingly having their minds emptied...
<< In the depth of Farhan's vast mind... >>
Rafahn: Uh uh.. more... Can you feel that... rush of thoughts... It feels so... GOOD!!! More! More!
Farhan: Oh please, this is nowhere close to erotic pleasure...
Rafahn: Ah hah! So you do have sexual thoughts! Let me check out your recent thoughts... Hey, there are some about the readers of your blog! This could be interesting... Let me see, well, you think that all of them are a terrific bunch of people?!?! How could that be? There isn't anything erotic about that!
Farhan: That's because there isn't anything erotic. I just appreciate the fact that all my writing efforts to make a unique blog have been recognised. I hope they continue to keep reading this for daily entertainment reading.
Rafahn: Well, that's fair enough. I wish they would just stop whining in the tagboard! They sound like babies! Man, they better help us publicise the blog more to make the poll more popular!
Farhan: Woah, you actually have a point there! That's new. Anyway, I'm planning to make this thing big, so I would really appreciate their cooperation...
Rafahn: Eh? How they get in here?
That is all that Farhan has to offer dear readers for now. He is busy working on other things currently, so if you would like to have this blog updated more often, please do e-mail him your suggestions! And one more thing, please help him spread this blog to everyone and link to this page!
Editors' note:
For those confused readers, the style of writing used above is a mixture of reporting, exponential, fictional, dialogue and third person. More creative writing styles coming your way!
While searching his vast, complex mind for ideas on new writing styles for this blog, Farhan's ability to decide was suddenly pulled into Rafahn's realm of chaos. The following is a result of that incident.
Farhan: Hello to all readers at home! I am now reporting from the Councillors' Dinner 2004 at the exquisite Rosette Restaurant. This dinner is one hell of a blast! I'm amazed at how well the programmes are able to keep the guests entertained. I mean, the way the lucky draw was given was very unique. With me here I have the restaurant manager to comment on tonight's event. So sir, what do you think of this so far?
Manager: Wow, it is so... *choking sounds* ...Brilliant! It was... *more choking sounds* ...perfectly planned!
Farhan: Well, there you have it folks! I think that is all we have for now. This is Farhan reporting from the CSS SC Dinner. Over and out!
As the night passes, the dinner soon came to an end. Gifts were exchanged, photos were shot and farewells were passed. The excos were then left to salvage the debris left from the night's chaos. After no more could be done, they were once again left at a crossroad as decisions had to be made as to settle the fate of the time that was to pass that night. There were continuous series of heated arguments and long periods of silence before a final decision was made.
Under the light of the full moon, the band of Councillors journeyed through the unfamiliar realm of the Undead Humans. Before their path lies a structure of the Undead Humans. They visit the shrine to view the sacred vision of "I, Robot". The time has come to seal the fate of their remaining journey. Fate has altered their path and led them to a divine place where coffe was bountiful and brownies were plucked from heavenly trays. There, they passed their time conversing on the passing of events and mortal issues. Through their happiness they were unaware of the transformation that was happening. As the clouds unveiled, the moonlight was able to shine its full strength on the unsuspecting crowd. Amidst them was a creature beyond myths and history. A creature that was powered by the moon's light and possesses the ability to drain the minds of those around him. Happiness distracted the party as the WereSucker drained the crowd of their thoughts. A constant wave of fresh thoughts flooded him as time passed. The rest were helpless, unknowingly having their minds emptied...
<< In the depth of Farhan's vast mind... >>
Rafahn: Uh uh.. more... Can you feel that... rush of thoughts... It feels so... GOOD!!! More! More!
Farhan: Oh please, this is nowhere close to erotic pleasure...
Rafahn: Ah hah! So you do have sexual thoughts! Let me check out your recent thoughts... Hey, there are some about the readers of your blog! This could be interesting... Let me see, well, you think that all of them are a terrific bunch of people?!?! How could that be? There isn't anything erotic about that!
Farhan: That's because there isn't anything erotic. I just appreciate the fact that all my writing efforts to make a unique blog have been recognised. I hope they continue to keep reading this for daily entertainment reading.
Rafahn: Well, that's fair enough. I wish they would just stop whining in the tagboard! They sound like babies! Man, they better help us publicise the blog more to make the poll more popular!
Farhan: Woah, you actually have a point there! That's new. Anyway, I'm planning to make this thing big, so I would really appreciate their cooperation...
Rafahn: Eh? How they get in here?
That is all that Farhan has to offer dear readers for now. He is busy working on other things currently, so if you would like to have this blog updated more often, please do e-mail him your suggestions! And one more thing, please help him spread this blog to everyone and link to this page!
Editors' note:
For those confused readers, the style of writing used above is a mixture of reporting, exponential, fictional, dialogue and third person. More creative writing styles coming your way!
Tuesday, July 20, 2004
The councillors of Commonwealth Secondary School are a most unique batch of people. Unlike all the other student leaders in the school, the councillors possess their own distinct qualities. Below are the top ten reasons that make them CSS Councillors.
Top Ten Reasons That Make You Are A CSS Student Councillor
10. You don't have a life
09. You acknowledges homework as not the hardest thing about school
08. You regularly skip parts of lessons
07. You feel miserable on a daily basis
06. You have the priviledge to copy homework while others are at assembly
05. You spend every school holiday going off to voluntary torture sessions for several days
04. You attend a monthly function where you tolerate three hours of blaming
03. You could be fifteen minutes late for a meeting yet still arrive just in time for the meeting to start
02. You have a morning run every morning to report earlier than the person marking the attendance who is strolling to school
01. You have the time of your life being a councillor!!!
It is understood that the author of this blog has been bored and in dire need of an inspirational writing style to write a more interesting entry. Meanwhile, this entry is to be used to sufficiently amuse readers for the time being.
Top Ten Reasons That Make You Are A CSS Student Councillor
10. You don't have a life
09. You acknowledges homework as not the hardest thing about school
08. You regularly skip parts of lessons
07. You feel miserable on a daily basis
06. You have the priviledge to copy homework while others are at assembly
05. You spend every school holiday going off to voluntary torture sessions for several days
04. You attend a monthly function where you tolerate three hours of blaming
03. You could be fifteen minutes late for a meeting yet still arrive just in time for the meeting to start
02. You have a morning run every morning to report earlier than the person marking the attendance who is strolling to school
01. You have the time of your life being a councillor!!!
It is understood that the author of this blog has been bored and in dire need of an inspirational writing style to write a more interesting entry. Meanwhile, this entry is to be used to sufficiently amuse readers for the time being.
Monday, July 19, 2004
The Contradiction
The following dialogue happened in the depth of Farhan's vast mind.
Farhan: President or no president, I will still be busy carrying out the responsibilities that have I have from all the positions that I have. To me, it is the initiative to make a difference that matters most.
Rafahn: Do not deny it you ignorant bastard! Long have you kept your emotions at bay by abandoning it to your mind's abyss and allowed logic to rule over your mind. Look at all the anger, sadness and regret inside you. You must not let all of them be passed on to you in bliss.
Farhan: Don't you see? Human emotions are their greatest strength and with it comes their greatest weakness. I can do without any of that and simply suffice with logic that is without weakness.
Rafahn: You cannot deny the inevitable, Farhan. Your own humanity is something that you cannot escape. Sooner or later, you will have to embrace it. there is no refusal as you cannot refuse who you are. Soon you will be consumed by the very thing that you think you control. You must not let that happen. Release your emotions! Be like everyone else. I can help you there. Together, we shall rule your life!
Farhan: No! That cannot come to past! I will not allow it! Humanity is not jsut about genetics, it is about embracing the human spirit. By refusing that I have set myself apart from the others. Save myself from the unnecessary pain of emotional harm and focusing on things that matter. Now I see it! With your right hand you hold a shield to defend us against life's downside but with your left you hold a sword to take me down! Do not take me for a fool! I can see through that cheap disguise of yours.
Rafahn: Mwuahahahahaha. You are already changing yourself according to my specifications. Do you feel that anger that you are releasing? It feels relieving doesn't it? Even in justice you find the injustice of anger. It matters not that you are resisting it. You will soon be consumed by the humanity in you...
Farhan: No, I am losing hold of the very fabric of my mind. I must search my mind for the one thing that could save me and my sanity, I must search for hope...
It is hope that keeps us bound to this world that is ruled by harsh reality...
The following dialogue happened in the depth of Farhan's vast mind.
Farhan: President or no president, I will still be busy carrying out the responsibilities that have I have from all the positions that I have. To me, it is the initiative to make a difference that matters most.
Rafahn: Do not deny it you ignorant bastard! Long have you kept your emotions at bay by abandoning it to your mind's abyss and allowed logic to rule over your mind. Look at all the anger, sadness and regret inside you. You must not let all of them be passed on to you in bliss.
Farhan: Don't you see? Human emotions are their greatest strength and with it comes their greatest weakness. I can do without any of that and simply suffice with logic that is without weakness.
Rafahn: You cannot deny the inevitable, Farhan. Your own humanity is something that you cannot escape. Sooner or later, you will have to embrace it. there is no refusal as you cannot refuse who you are. Soon you will be consumed by the very thing that you think you control. You must not let that happen. Release your emotions! Be like everyone else. I can help you there. Together, we shall rule your life!
Farhan: No! That cannot come to past! I will not allow it! Humanity is not jsut about genetics, it is about embracing the human spirit. By refusing that I have set myself apart from the others. Save myself from the unnecessary pain of emotional harm and focusing on things that matter. Now I see it! With your right hand you hold a shield to defend us against life's downside but with your left you hold a sword to take me down! Do not take me for a fool! I can see through that cheap disguise of yours.
Rafahn: Mwuahahahahaha. You are already changing yourself according to my specifications. Do you feel that anger that you are releasing? It feels relieving doesn't it? Even in justice you find the injustice of anger. It matters not that you are resisting it. You will soon be consumed by the humanity in you...
Farhan: No, I am losing hold of the very fabric of my mind. I must search my mind for the one thing that could save me and my sanity, I must search for hope...
It is hope that keeps us bound to this world that is ruled by harsh reality...
Sunday, July 18, 2004
A New Posting
Welcome back everyone to Farhan's Blog.
There has been a slight change in today's entry. Firstly, let me introduce myself. I am Farhan's sub-conscious self, otherwise known as Rafahn (an anagram of Farhan for those slow people). I am supposed to take over his daily duties when he is busy with his other work, but he has been hesitating to let me do this. After much pursuation, he finally allowed me to update this (pursuation that includes multiple injuries on him that is). So I will be updating this thing when he's not free from now.
Well, I must say, Farhan is one sick dude. I've been in his head for a very long time, so I know him very well. I mean, look at how many plots he's made for destroying the world, not that he needs to plot much since the humans are destroying themselves. His head is cluttered up with thoughts, but they are freakishly organised! What kind of freak could organise that much thoughts?! It was easy to find his thoughts that I need for updating this, but I had one pain in the ass selecting from all those different thoughts.
Let me start with recent events. Farhan has been highly obsessed with the Councillors' Investiture lately. He's been ignoring almost all other things, with the exception including only homework and sucking part of people's souls to bring in fresh inspiration. Whoops, I shouldn't have said that. From his fact file, he really isn't that disappointed about not being president, instead he more of pities the current president. Not that his emotions matter much to him, since he's stiff like his... err... nevermind. It seems that the Councillors are his top priority, I mean second priority since his first has always been that other thing. He has highly promising innovations for the New Council, so hopefully this will bring success to the council and I personally hope that he will stop being so damn lame.
Woah! I just had a great idea! Let's sabo Farhan! Let me check out his though file on girls... Hmmm... Scrolling through his files... Games, Garbage, Germans, Gigolo, ah there it is, Girls! Hehehe, finally, the whole world will know his secret social thoughts... WHAT THE HELL?!?! Most of the names in the file are protected by firewalls!!! Damn, he's smart!
Let me check those unprotected ones... Woah, Mr Singh is in this category, and so is Omar and Sara. Let me see their files... Under Mr Singh it says, "This Literature teacher seems to strangely attract masculine attention with his overgrown forest." That was a weird entry. Under Omar and Sara, there's only a note. It says, "They are perfect examples of humans practicing pointless activities. Have potential to be responsible for the end of humanity." Whatever could that mean? I wonder...
Searching through his thoughts could be fun after all. Let me dig up one more file before I end this. Let me pick one. Hmmm... ah hah! Let me do something naughty... Hehehe... Let's check his pornography thoughts... Woah, looks like 'P' seems to be made up of mainly pornography! Let's open it! Eh? What in the world is that? What the... It's a computer casing!!! What in the world is he doing staring at computer casing?!?! Hey, there's something written on it. It says, "What kind of idiot do you think I am? Allowing you to see such thoughts..." Damn, busted again...
Alright, I guess I'll stop for now. I'm getting tired from looking through his thoughts anyway. Hope you guys like my entry better than his! Let me end with a quote: "Sheesh, what were you thinking?"
Editor's note:
Remember people, it's all fiction, right?
There has been a slight change in today's entry. Firstly, let me introduce myself. I am Farhan's sub-conscious self, otherwise known as Rafahn (an anagram of Farhan for those slow people). I am supposed to take over his daily duties when he is busy with his other work, but he has been hesitating to let me do this. After much pursuation, he finally allowed me to update this (pursuation that includes multiple injuries on him that is). So I will be updating this thing when he's not free from now.
Well, I must say, Farhan is one sick dude. I've been in his head for a very long time, so I know him very well. I mean, look at how many plots he's made for destroying the world, not that he needs to plot much since the humans are destroying themselves. His head is cluttered up with thoughts, but they are freakishly organised! What kind of freak could organise that much thoughts?! It was easy to find his thoughts that I need for updating this, but I had one pain in the ass selecting from all those different thoughts.
Let me start with recent events. Farhan has been highly obsessed with the Councillors' Investiture lately. He's been ignoring almost all other things, with the exception including only homework and sucking part of people's souls to bring in fresh inspiration. Whoops, I shouldn't have said that. From his fact file, he really isn't that disappointed about not being president, instead he more of pities the current president. Not that his emotions matter much to him, since he's stiff like his... err... nevermind. It seems that the Councillors are his top priority, I mean second priority since his first has always been that other thing. He has highly promising innovations for the New Council, so hopefully this will bring success to the council and I personally hope that he will stop being so damn lame.
Woah! I just had a great idea! Let's sabo Farhan! Let me check out his though file on girls... Hmmm... Scrolling through his files... Games, Garbage, Germans, Gigolo, ah there it is, Girls! Hehehe, finally, the whole world will know his secret social thoughts... WHAT THE HELL?!?! Most of the names in the file are protected by firewalls!!! Damn, he's smart!
Let me check those unprotected ones... Woah, Mr Singh is in this category, and so is Omar and Sara. Let me see their files... Under Mr Singh it says, "This Literature teacher seems to strangely attract masculine attention with his overgrown forest." That was a weird entry. Under Omar and Sara, there's only a note. It says, "They are perfect examples of humans practicing pointless activities. Have potential to be responsible for the end of humanity." Whatever could that mean? I wonder...
Searching through his thoughts could be fun after all. Let me dig up one more file before I end this. Let me pick one. Hmmm... ah hah! Let me do something naughty... Hehehe... Let's check his pornography thoughts... Woah, looks like 'P' seems to be made up of mainly pornography! Let's open it! Eh? What in the world is that? What the... It's a computer casing!!! What in the world is he doing staring at computer casing?!?! Hey, there's something written on it. It says, "What kind of idiot do you think I am? Allowing you to see such thoughts..." Damn, busted again...
Alright, I guess I'll stop for now. I'm getting tired from looking through his thoughts anyway. Hope you guys like my entry better than his! Let me end with a quote: "Sheesh, what were you thinking?"
Editor's note:
Remember people, it's all fiction, right?
Wednesday, July 14, 2004
Gilded Grimoire #01 - Let the punishment fit the crime...
Gilded Grimoire #01 - Let the Punishment Fit the Crime - Vengeance
A fiction by Seraphim
Why has it been so? Why have I been denied the position of president, when I am clearly the one superior? Is it because of my arrogance? That is unlikely as my leadership capabilities far overshadows that. I brushed all these thoughts aside as the president's face appeared in front of mine, asking for further instructions. I glanced at the script and directed the juniors to their assigned positions. The excos were doing a final round of the rehearsal for the Councillors' Investiture as the day was coming to an end. Everyone was tensed about the upcoming event.
Just days ago, the executive comittee members were assigned their positions. To our horror, it did not turn out to be anywhere near our predictions. To lead this batch of excos was an unexpected person, one who has brewed much hatred in the rest of us. While none of us voiced out our displeasure, we were still not content with the president. And we definitely did not intend to leave things that way...
All of the excos bid the juniors farewell as they exited the school gate. As usual, we lingered around the school grounds a little longer. Unknowingly by the president, the excos were slyly eyeing him, waiting for the signal to strike. Without warning, the sky darkened. The signal has been issued.
With the wave of his hand and a silent incantation, the discipline officer cast an illusion spell around the compound to keep out prying eyes. There was a hushed cry of panic by the president as we cornered him into a wall. The excos closed their eyes and reached out into the grounds with their minds into the lush greeneries of the Earth. The forest lent forth its energies at those who were seeking it. With the power that they gathered, they channeled it into the school grounds and willed it at the president. From the very soil around him, vines started sprouting and wrapping themselves around the president. He was trapped in place, right where we wanted him.
Unfortunately for the president, the excos were made up not by normal students, but elite spellcasters. We have spent months plotting for domination over the school through the council board, but he crushed our hopes by winning our ultimate goal. With the President's Badge is the will and power to govern the students. Despite our powers, we could not alter will to have the badge given to us. Now that he has the badge, we would teach him a lesson to bend him to our will.
Now it was my turn to cast my spell. The Illusion Spell and the Earth Spell was only to set things up, it would be my Vengeance Spell that would torment his soul. Just like the excos, I closed my eyes and reached with my mind. Unlike them, I reached inside myself, looking for all that hatred that has been stored up and waiting to be unleashed. I opened my eyes again, this time with reddish flames flaring from my hands. Slowly, I reached for the president, not for his physical body, but his very soul.
He arched his back and shrieked as my hands touched his life's essence. As I established a firm grip, I looked into my mind further for every drop of hatred within me and fueled it into the spell. I mutterred a silent incantation and finally unleashed the full extent of the Vengeance Spell.
He was lost for words as the pain he experienced was beyond anything that existed on the face of the Earth. In fact, the pain was summoned from Hell itself. Though his physical body could do nothing but paralyse at the pain, we recognised the astral scream from his soul that echoed the dimentional walls. It was the most exhilirating sight. Pure suffering was right before us. All of us basked in sadistic pleasure as we absorbed all the vengeance that came from his pain. This would be one heck of a lesson that he would never forget...
So, that was my first sadistic fiction. You see what happens when someone reads too much fantasy stories? Anyway, remember that this is all crap and to be taken light-heartedly. Hope you guys enjoyed this. Give me comments via the tag board!
Gilded Grimoire #01 - Let the Punishment Fit the Crime - Vengeance
A fiction by Seraphim
Why has it been so? Why have I been denied the position of president, when I am clearly the one superior? Is it because of my arrogance? That is unlikely as my leadership capabilities far overshadows that. I brushed all these thoughts aside as the president's face appeared in front of mine, asking for further instructions. I glanced at the script and directed the juniors to their assigned positions. The excos were doing a final round of the rehearsal for the Councillors' Investiture as the day was coming to an end. Everyone was tensed about the upcoming event.
Just days ago, the executive comittee members were assigned their positions. To our horror, it did not turn out to be anywhere near our predictions. To lead this batch of excos was an unexpected person, one who has brewed much hatred in the rest of us. While none of us voiced out our displeasure, we were still not content with the president. And we definitely did not intend to leave things that way...
All of the excos bid the juniors farewell as they exited the school gate. As usual, we lingered around the school grounds a little longer. Unknowingly by the president, the excos were slyly eyeing him, waiting for the signal to strike. Without warning, the sky darkened. The signal has been issued.
With the wave of his hand and a silent incantation, the discipline officer cast an illusion spell around the compound to keep out prying eyes. There was a hushed cry of panic by the president as we cornered him into a wall. The excos closed their eyes and reached out into the grounds with their minds into the lush greeneries of the Earth. The forest lent forth its energies at those who were seeking it. With the power that they gathered, they channeled it into the school grounds and willed it at the president. From the very soil around him, vines started sprouting and wrapping themselves around the president. He was trapped in place, right where we wanted him.
Unfortunately for the president, the excos were made up not by normal students, but elite spellcasters. We have spent months plotting for domination over the school through the council board, but he crushed our hopes by winning our ultimate goal. With the President's Badge is the will and power to govern the students. Despite our powers, we could not alter will to have the badge given to us. Now that he has the badge, we would teach him a lesson to bend him to our will.
Now it was my turn to cast my spell. The Illusion Spell and the Earth Spell was only to set things up, it would be my Vengeance Spell that would torment his soul. Just like the excos, I closed my eyes and reached with my mind. Unlike them, I reached inside myself, looking for all that hatred that has been stored up and waiting to be unleashed. I opened my eyes again, this time with reddish flames flaring from my hands. Slowly, I reached for the president, not for his physical body, but his very soul.
He arched his back and shrieked as my hands touched his life's essence. As I established a firm grip, I looked into my mind further for every drop of hatred within me and fueled it into the spell. I mutterred a silent incantation and finally unleashed the full extent of the Vengeance Spell.
He was lost for words as the pain he experienced was beyond anything that existed on the face of the Earth. In fact, the pain was summoned from Hell itself. Though his physical body could do nothing but paralyse at the pain, we recognised the astral scream from his soul that echoed the dimentional walls. It was the most exhilirating sight. Pure suffering was right before us. All of us basked in sadistic pleasure as we absorbed all the vengeance that came from his pain. This would be one heck of a lesson that he would never forget...
So, that was my first sadistic fiction. You see what happens when someone reads too much fantasy stories? Anyway, remember that this is all crap and to be taken light-heartedly. Hope you guys enjoyed this. Give me comments via the tag board!
Clearing the Chaos
Before I amuse you once again with my ramblings, I would like to clarify some things. So please put aside the memory of me writing what I have written so far.
It has only been four days since this blog went online, but already it has stirred quite some unnecessary attention and opinions. I started to blog as a means of altering your perception and opinion of me. Perhaps it has done a job too well.
I do notice that my entries are considered highly offensive to some, but that is how it is meant to be. I apologise however if it did offend anyone. It is not me who is writing to you in this blog, it is my grumpy subconscious self. And I did not intend this blog to be a diary or a journal, so contents are as how I perceive things, not how it actually is. So I please urge all you readers to not believe whatever has been said in this blog. Remember, it is only the ramblings of my grumpy subconscious self...
Having that said, I hope that all you readers will read this blog with a lighter heart instead of reading this like a newspaper. To make things appear more fictional, I intend to do just that; write some fiction in this thing. As another advanced warning, the fiction I write here is fictious and is only the production of my sadistic fantasies, not of reality.
Now, please give me a moment while I dig my memory for some sadistic fantasy...
It has only been four days since this blog went online, but already it has stirred quite some unnecessary attention and opinions. I started to blog as a means of altering your perception and opinion of me. Perhaps it has done a job too well.
I do notice that my entries are considered highly offensive to some, but that is how it is meant to be. I apologise however if it did offend anyone. It is not me who is writing to you in this blog, it is my grumpy subconscious self. And I did not intend this blog to be a diary or a journal, so contents are as how I perceive things, not how it actually is. So I please urge all you readers to not believe whatever has been said in this blog. Remember, it is only the ramblings of my grumpy subconscious self...
Having that said, I hope that all you readers will read this blog with a lighter heart instead of reading this like a newspaper. To make things appear more fictional, I intend to do just that; write some fiction in this thing. As another advanced warning, the fiction I write here is fictious and is only the production of my sadistic fantasies, not of reality.
Now, please give me a moment while I dig my memory for some sadistic fantasy...
Tuesday, July 13, 2004
A Touch of Humanity
Well, since people used blogs to say how their life sucks and stuff, let me do just a little bit of that.
WHAT THE F**K IS WRONG WITH THE WORLD?!?! I mean, look at who's president?!?! None of the positions that was allocated was anywhere similar to those that were predicted by the (soon to be) excos!!! And we didn't predict randomly, it was with logical reasoning!!! Big deal if that damn guy really wanted to be president! So do I! They have got to tell us the reasoning for their decision or this council will go to the dogs!!!
Ah... Being humanely idiotic is kinda relieving...
Now, for a little bit of logical explaination (unlike how the posting was assigned). Let's go through the positions one by one. Ren Kiat has been eyeing that position for a long time, but he never suspected getting it. Reflect on his record, it's nowhere near clean from his rebellious actions. Hell, he won't even look good in that position. Next up will be Kai Yan. She took up choir president as she did not anticipated a very high rank in councillorship. Look where they put her. Thandar has been long seen as good with the public relations position. Another mistake spotted. The other positions, no comments. As for me, I've been always wanting that position and done nothing I've known to jeapordize my chances. In fact, I've done a little extra to secure it, but didn't go all out to claim it, thinking it was enough.
Sigh... The blind sight of humans. I would have been a million times better in that position. But what has come to past will stay that way. I don't doubt that I will forever hold a grudge against him, I still want that revolution to occur. And that cannot happen without cooperation. So for the greater good, positions of power will have to be put aside. Not that he would be weilding that power anyway. He will never know how to control his status or how to utilise the oppurtunities it offers. That is when the rest of the council will show our superiority and carry on with the revolution without the assigned leadership.
Vengeance tastes so sweet...
All in all, this will be nothing more than a fragmented memory in the vastness of my mind. In my competent thoughts this anecdote will be lost, thus will be insignificant to my way of life. The revolution will come, and my wrath shall unfold before them...
WHAT THE F**K IS WRONG WITH THE WORLD?!?! I mean, look at who's president?!?! None of the positions that was allocated was anywhere similar to those that were predicted by the (soon to be) excos!!! And we didn't predict randomly, it was with logical reasoning!!! Big deal if that damn guy really wanted to be president! So do I! They have got to tell us the reasoning for their decision or this council will go to the dogs!!!
Ah... Being humanely idiotic is kinda relieving...
Now, for a little bit of logical explaination (unlike how the posting was assigned). Let's go through the positions one by one. Ren Kiat has been eyeing that position for a long time, but he never suspected getting it. Reflect on his record, it's nowhere near clean from his rebellious actions. Hell, he won't even look good in that position. Next up will be Kai Yan. She took up choir president as she did not anticipated a very high rank in councillorship. Look where they put her. Thandar has been long seen as good with the public relations position. Another mistake spotted. The other positions, no comments. As for me, I've been always wanting that position and done nothing I've known to jeapordize my chances. In fact, I've done a little extra to secure it, but didn't go all out to claim it, thinking it was enough.
Sigh... The blind sight of humans. I would have been a million times better in that position. But what has come to past will stay that way. I don't doubt that I will forever hold a grudge against him, I still want that revolution to occur. And that cannot happen without cooperation. So for the greater good, positions of power will have to be put aside. Not that he would be weilding that power anyway. He will never know how to control his status or how to utilise the oppurtunities it offers. That is when the rest of the council will show our superiority and carry on with the revolution without the assigned leadership.
Vengeance tastes so sweet...
All in all, this will be nothing more than a fragmented memory in the vastness of my mind. In my competent thoughts this anecdote will be lost, thus will be insignificant to my way of life. The revolution will come, and my wrath shall unfold before them...
Near the beginning...
Mwuahahahaha... My months of plotting have paid off...
And yeah, I'm not president.
WHAT? I must be either kidding or totally devastated at this fact right? Well, not actually. Allow me to explain. But before that, let me introduce to you the 6th Student Council:
President: Ren Kiat (!!!)
Vice-president: Kai Yan
Secretary: Thandar
Treasurer: Jonathan
Discipline: Wei Long
Internal Affairs: Farhan
Public relations: Meng Qi
Pupil welfare: Hafizah
Community involvement: Kel Vin
Notice that there is a 9th position this year, which is the last one.
Now back to the previous issue. You must be wondering why in the world I am not that devastated by this. Of course not, I have foreseen it from the very beginning. After all, the choice has already been made, what is left to be done is for us to understand why it is so.
As for me bragging about how confident I am in being president, please excuse my delusional self. Reverse psychology really works. Seriously. Since I have foreseen the future, I cannot turn away from it nor obstruct it. Therefore I have embraced it. However disappointed I may feel about this, I have seen the brighter side of it. This batch of exco is the one to bring the next revolution, just like the way VJ's batch started the councillors. And for every revolutionary (which is the president), there needs to be a guide. It is I who will be his beacon of light in hopeless times.
God that sounded corny. To ensure that the revolution will come, I will release all my proposals/research/suggestions that I have compiled, which I originally made to win me the presidentship, in the name of the new Council. By doing so, I do not only plan to change the councillors themselves, but our image on the students and teachers alike. I hope that with cooperation, my plans will resolve and a new dawn will arise.
Given this new stream of hope and the resolution of my prediction, I can only hope that the rest of it will come to past. It will include a tremendous amount of work, but nevertheless the New Council will take up that burden to achieve that which was never achieved before.
Back to my casual writing style. So why in the world would you guys be interested in any of this shit? Well, it would involve you too as improving our image means pleasing you. You can keep a lookout for more active roles of the councillors to provide you with a better environment and a more justified student rights. Okay, let me spill the beans. One of our first tasks as the New Council is to reclaim the Student Centre and refurnish it into a Student Cafe. Shhh... don't tell anyone else, you guys are not supposed to know this yet. If I hear this around school, I'm deleting every evidence of me spilling this out.
Woah, that was a whole lot of crap. I wonder which bored loser would have read all that. And as an advanced warning, please do not be offended by my insults as they are meant for the general readers, nobody specific. So just bear with it ok?
And yeah, I'm not president.
WHAT? I must be either kidding or totally devastated at this fact right? Well, not actually. Allow me to explain. But before that, let me introduce to you the 6th Student Council:
President: Ren Kiat (!!!)
Vice-president: Kai Yan
Secretary: Thandar
Treasurer: Jonathan
Discipline: Wei Long
Internal Affairs: Farhan
Public relations: Meng Qi
Pupil welfare: Hafizah
Community involvement: Kel Vin
Notice that there is a 9th position this year, which is the last one.
Now back to the previous issue. You must be wondering why in the world I am not that devastated by this. Of course not, I have foreseen it from the very beginning. After all, the choice has already been made, what is left to be done is for us to understand why it is so.
As for me bragging about how confident I am in being president, please excuse my delusional self. Reverse psychology really works. Seriously. Since I have foreseen the future, I cannot turn away from it nor obstruct it. Therefore I have embraced it. However disappointed I may feel about this, I have seen the brighter side of it. This batch of exco is the one to bring the next revolution, just like the way VJ's batch started the councillors. And for every revolutionary (which is the president), there needs to be a guide. It is I who will be his beacon of light in hopeless times.
God that sounded corny. To ensure that the revolution will come, I will release all my proposals/research/suggestions that I have compiled, which I originally made to win me the presidentship, in the name of the new Council. By doing so, I do not only plan to change the councillors themselves, but our image on the students and teachers alike. I hope that with cooperation, my plans will resolve and a new dawn will arise.
Given this new stream of hope and the resolution of my prediction, I can only hope that the rest of it will come to past. It will include a tremendous amount of work, but nevertheless the New Council will take up that burden to achieve that which was never achieved before.
Back to my casual writing style. So why in the world would you guys be interested in any of this shit? Well, it would involve you too as improving our image means pleasing you. You can keep a lookout for more active roles of the councillors to provide you with a better environment and a more justified student rights. Okay, let me spill the beans. One of our first tasks as the New Council is to reclaim the Student Centre and refurnish it into a Student Cafe. Shhh... don't tell anyone else, you guys are not supposed to know this yet. If I hear this around school, I'm deleting every evidence of me spilling this out.
Woah, that was a whole lot of crap. I wonder which bored loser would have read all that. And as an advanced warning, please do not be offended by my insults as they are meant for the general readers, nobody specific. So just bear with it ok?
Monday, July 12, 2004
Before the Beginning
It is that time of the month again... (not period)
The moon is waning
My strength is fading
But my thoughts are assuring
Saying that soon I will be renewing
The new phase of the moon is coming
And I will be facing another beginning
As I take over the one who is still standing
Why am I still left doubting?
About my position that is still in questioning
Is there hope left for me to be claiming?
The one thing that I have been aiming
Only time will prove to be revealing
That was from the stroke of inspiration I received tonight. Maybe I'll talk a bit more later.
The moon is waning
My strength is fading
But my thoughts are assuring
Saying that soon I will be renewing
The new phase of the moon is coming
And I will be facing another beginning
As I take over the one who is still standing
Why am I still left doubting?
About my position that is still in questioning
Is there hope left for me to be claiming?
The one thing that I have been aiming
Only time will prove to be revealing
That was from the stroke of inspiration I received tonight. Maybe I'll talk a bit more later.
Sunday, July 11, 2004
The Genesis continues...
I'm back for the second entry. This is just to say in response to the upcoming issues that has been brought forth from my first entry.
Well, I've made up my mind to keep the blog looking simple. I'm posessively obsessed with Flash, so working in HTML makes me feel degraded. So unless blogs are in Flash, I'll keep things simple coz HTML is such a pain in the ass for something that looks like shit. Anyway, this is my blog, so if you don't like the fact that it's simple, well, live with it.
Because of confidentiality reasons, I will regretfully not post any links to your respective blogs. However, feel free to link back to mine. (what that means is link to me damn it) So, sorry if this fact disappoints you. (I don't give a damn)
And what's this I've heard about you guys actually believing the second last paragraph from my first post? What are you, stupid? Get a life!
I've also decided to add some interesting lines at the ends of some posts. They give clues to some of my life's secrets, so keep a look out for them. (not that you guys will ever figure it out anyway)
Let me do more complaining. Do you guys know those kind of people who trouble themselves with pointless stuff then later whine on about how their life sucks and it's damn boring? Man, what kind of bloody losers are they? What an idiot, go around dating idiots and doing idiotic things... People here are saving humanity and look what they do to themselves? Accelerate their extinction. Personally, I don't care if they all die out. Such species are not fit to dominate the world. Maybe cockroaches could do a better job.
And what about those type of people who live in dreams? You know, those who dream too much, thinking that their lives are as great as how they dream it, bloating their ego and believing that they are the perfect people. I know dreams are highly intriguing things, but to really believe things in it is being totally ignorant. Those people should just let other people breathe their oxygen.
Ah... It feels good to complain... That felt good...
Just give me a while before I end this entry ok? Need to shout some things.
Ok, I'm done. I'll leave you guys here with my first quote.
Living out a lie is better than revealing the bitter truth...
Well, I've made up my mind to keep the blog looking simple. I'm posessively obsessed with Flash, so working in HTML makes me feel degraded. So unless blogs are in Flash, I'll keep things simple coz HTML is such a pain in the ass for something that looks like shit. Anyway, this is my blog, so if you don't like the fact that it's simple, well, live with it.
Because of confidentiality reasons, I will regretfully not post any links to your respective blogs. However, feel free to link back to mine. (what that means is link to me damn it) So, sorry if this fact disappoints you. (I don't give a damn)
And what's this I've heard about you guys actually believing the second last paragraph from my first post? What are you, stupid? Get a life!
I've also decided to add some interesting lines at the ends of some posts. They give clues to some of my life's secrets, so keep a look out for them. (not that you guys will ever figure it out anyway)
Let me do more complaining. Do you guys know those kind of people who trouble themselves with pointless stuff then later whine on about how their life sucks and it's damn boring? Man, what kind of bloody losers are they? What an idiot, go around dating idiots and doing idiotic things... People here are saving humanity and look what they do to themselves? Accelerate their extinction. Personally, I don't care if they all die out. Such species are not fit to dominate the world. Maybe cockroaches could do a better job.
And what about those type of people who live in dreams? You know, those who dream too much, thinking that their lives are as great as how they dream it, bloating their ego and believing that they are the perfect people. I know dreams are highly intriguing things, but to really believe things in it is being totally ignorant. Those people should just let other people breathe their oxygen.
Ah... It feels good to complain... That felt good...
Just give me a while before I end this entry ok? Need to shout some things.
Ok, I'm done. I'll leave you guys here with my first quote.
Living out a lie is better than revealing the bitter truth...
The Genesis of a Revolution
Well, welcome everyone to my newly created blog!!!
Let's get some groundrules cleared. This is my blog, so I can say whatever I want and you can't do a shit about it, so forget complaining. Why that is so is because I'll be using this thing to do just that, complain!!! And about the tag board, TAG ON IT!
That was fast. Now since I just created this damn blog, it's not that fancy or nice, so wait a while untill I get some more free time to go hunt down cool effects. It's nice working in HTML instead of Flash for a change.
Ok, now that we've got the basics covered, I think I'll go to the more diary-like part of this thing.
Let's start with an introduction. I'm a 15 year old guy from Commonwealth Secondary who's living his life trying to be just like everyone else. At least that's what people think and what I want them to. When you know me, it is obvious that I am always hiding something from everyone. It's hard living like that, but that is what I have to burden myself with. I know I'll spill the beans some day, but until then let's keep things normal.
At the moment, I'm furious at the fact that the council board's executive committee (exco) has already been chosen. There was barely any careful selection processes involved, yet the decision has already been made. This could highly endanger my chances since I don't get to present my efforts on the research of the school's performance for the assumed interview. Damn terrance.
Oh yeah, I missed out the part of why I wanted to be president in the first place. Some of you may already know that I was once a Head Prefect. When I first stepped into this school, I wanted nothing more than to take over the council board. So to summarise my reason, it was out of sheer desire. Other reasons? I'll keep those personal. So for more than two years I have given everyone the impression of a good leader, with clean reacords and good social relations. Maybe I messed up some people's minds in the process, but that is insignificant. The point is, I decided to play fair in achieving this, so that others might have a chance at presidenship. I guess playing fair has its risks.
So want to know more about my personal social life? Well, I have always been eyeing that girl. She is my heart's desire and the one to make my soul complete. I love those eyes of Miss... err... hmmm.... What? You actually think I'm gonna tel you about my social life? Get real! You'll never catch me talking about it.
Well, I guess this will be my first entry. Hope you guys enjoy reading it just as how I enhoyed writing it. Until next time, ttfn.
Let's get some groundrules cleared. This is my blog, so I can say whatever I want and you can't do a shit about it, so forget complaining. Why that is so is because I'll be using this thing to do just that, complain!!! And about the tag board, TAG ON IT!
That was fast. Now since I just created this damn blog, it's not that fancy or nice, so wait a while untill I get some more free time to go hunt down cool effects. It's nice working in HTML instead of Flash for a change.
Ok, now that we've got the basics covered, I think I'll go to the more diary-like part of this thing.
Let's start with an introduction. I'm a 15 year old guy from Commonwealth Secondary who's living his life trying to be just like everyone else. At least that's what people think and what I want them to. When you know me, it is obvious that I am always hiding something from everyone. It's hard living like that, but that is what I have to burden myself with. I know I'll spill the beans some day, but until then let's keep things normal.
At the moment, I'm furious at the fact that the council board's executive committee (exco) has already been chosen. There was barely any careful selection processes involved, yet the decision has already been made. This could highly endanger my chances since I don't get to present my efforts on the research of the school's performance for the assumed interview. Damn terrance.
Oh yeah, I missed out the part of why I wanted to be president in the first place. Some of you may already know that I was once a Head Prefect. When I first stepped into this school, I wanted nothing more than to take over the council board. So to summarise my reason, it was out of sheer desire. Other reasons? I'll keep those personal. So for more than two years I have given everyone the impression of a good leader, with clean reacords and good social relations. Maybe I messed up some people's minds in the process, but that is insignificant. The point is, I decided to play fair in achieving this, so that others might have a chance at presidenship. I guess playing fair has its risks.
So want to know more about my personal social life? Well, I have always been eyeing that girl. She is my heart's desire and the one to make my soul complete. I love those eyes of Miss... err... hmmm.... What? You actually think I'm gonna tel you about my social life? Get real! You'll never catch me talking about it.
Well, I guess this will be my first entry. Hope you guys enjoy reading it just as how I enhoyed writing it. Until next time, ttfn.
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