
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Ten Signs You're In The Army Too Long

10. You can talk for hours on end about weapons and various
divisions. Guards vs commando, scope vs iron sight, etc.

9. You hum marching songs in the shower. And even make remixes.

8. You make sex jokes with military innuendo. Hey baby, want to unload
check clear my rifle?

7. Practically any female is attractive. Like the cookhouse auntie.

6. You have a name for your rifle.

5. New and better equipment give you a confidence boost.

4. Weekends are spent at the army market buying supplies. That's where
the bulk of your allowance goes to.

3. Chemo cream actually improves your complexion.

2. You have an army nickname. Eg. the M69 Fucking Device.

1. You gape at people's chests. Not for their boobs, but their badges.

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