Between the years of 2002 and 2005, a band of ten brothers, dubbed the Band of Brothers (BoBs) reigned over their educational institute. They made their lives (and destroyed others) there for four years, during which they had the best moments of their lives. Their fun was legendary, which the world will never see again.
Until now.
The world must know our story. Thus we present you with this unique compilation of recollections as a memento of our reign. For your envy. For our pleasure. For history.
We're a clique of five originally, and expanded to include ten prominent people. It came to a point that BoB became a title, and the current count stands at a large number. During our time at secondary school, we wrecked havoc there, resulting in countless memories of mischief.
This all began at last night's (new year's night) coffee talk between me, Mobs, Poocha and Altho (yes, we're prepared to get old. let's do go-for-kopi-after-prayers thing when we're old. or strawberry lime if you still prefer it at that age). Maybe it's a new year thing, but we just started talking about the past year. Then it started going further back to the times when we were still at CSS. Oh, it went on and on, all about how we were when we first started school, what we did every year, and everybody that we met there.
Then it hit us. We really had a ball of a time at secondary school. Most people (okay, everybody else) never did or will come close to the fun and troubles that we had in there (quite a pity). I mean, we made Commonwealth history that people might consider legend.
Then we came to another revelation.
The world must know.
Come on, we can't live in a self-contained pity. We have to make the rest of the world bright green with envy. Besides, our adventures number off in... large digits, with no way for us to remember them all or keep them. Yet.
So the time has come for a solution to be made.
It was quite simple, the solution was staring straight at us in the face. Blogging (we were checking old BoB-related entries on our blogs). Why not make a blog that's like a digital diary to compile all those stories together that is written by all of us for the world to see? So that's exactly what we're gonna do.
As a new year's gift, I present to you codename 'Project Playground', as homage to our crocodile days.
So there you have it, the story behind the formation of the BoB's anthologies. Now the world will know our ploys and our adventures shall now be immortalized.
Thus begins the Legacy of the BoBs.
Click below to start envying our adventures:

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