Fighting Terrorism - Preventing the Radicalization of Muslim Youth In A Secular and Globalized World
20 February 2007
A youth convention by Taman Bacaan
On Saturday morning, 20 February 2007, 300 students across junior colleges, polytechnics, secondary schools, madrasahs and ITEs were gathered by Taman Bacaan to learn and share their views regarding Muslim youth radicalization post the 9/11 incident.
The youth convention was the first of its kind organised by Taman Bacaan to bring Malay youths specifically together to discuss current affairs that directly pertain to them. For this convention, the hot topic of Muslim youth radicalization was the focus. Professionals from their various areas of expertise were invited to shed light on the topic, along with other political figures to share their experiences.
Highlighting the event for many was the question and answer session before the event was closed, where many thought-provoking and provoking questions were placed before the panel of experts to be answered. This session was kept strictly off the media, to allow for more ‘open’ discussions between the students and the panel of experts.
As coverage for this blog, a summary of the talks by the various experts and highlights from the question and answer session will be discussed and shared below.
Official Opening – The Changing Face of Terrorism
In the opening speech, the overall issue of youth radicalization was addressed; which is the fact that it actually exists and actions need to be taken to counter that ideology. The face of terrorism has changed – terrorist recruits are getting younger and they are also using technology to spread their word. This has called for Singapore to step up to come up with prevention measures to protect what it values most. However, obstacles, such as the increasing income gap and distorted teaching has, hindered such efforts.
The Psychology of Militant Groups
Exclusive to this convention only, the MHA has divulged their findings on the psychology of terrorists to the public. It has been revealed that there is actually a methodology behind the brainwashing done by terrorists, which is done at five levels.
At level one, the victims need to desire good but are offered negative solutions. They are on the constant search for the meaning in their lives. At this innocent ideological state of mind, the terrorist groups present their ideas to them as pure, in religious terms, and do not reveal their eventual agenda just yet.
Cultivation begins at level two, where the thoughts of the victims get reformed. This is done in six steps:
1. Not having the victim aware of their thought reform
2. Controlling the physical and psychological environment of the victim
3. Making the victim feel powerless and dependant on the terrorist group
4. Suppressing the victim’s old ideology and attitudes
5. Instilling new ideology within the victim
6. Creating a closed system of logic within the victim
Level three introduces the victim to the terrorist organisation officially by having them controlled and undergoing an introduction rite, where they are made obligated to obey by a ‘religious pledge’ called the ‘Bai’ah’.
The notion of violence is taught at level four, where the victims are made morally disengaged for the purpose of establishing a utopian world against the enemy that makes violence appropriate.
Last of all, at level five, the victim is allowed to be involved in ‘achieving’ that utopian ideology.
The Threat of Terrorism: Challenges and Responses
This talk proved to be the most engaging among them due to the visual elements presented. In the talk, the speaker addressed the true nature of the threat. They are out to strive for a new agenda, to become global, ideological and operational. The threat now is not based on terrorism, but in fact, extremism. Operations are focused on the basis of 10% effective and 90% engagement. Thus, the government needs to counter their ideology by bridging the community and creating greater awareness.
Understanding the Threat of Jemaah Islamiyah in Southeast Asia
To fight an enemy, we must first learn all we can about them. That was the foundation for this talk, which began with the history of JI. Jemaah Islamiyah started off as Darul Islam in Indonesia, by SM Kartosuwiryo. It became JI in 1993, with the introduction of Abu Bakar Baashir. Their organisation structure sections off Southeast Asia into four ‘Mantiqis’, each with a different purpose, with Singapore being in Mantiqi I along with Malaysia, for the purpose of raising leaders.
The Singapore cell was started by Ibrahim Maidin and was crippled when 36 of them were arrested.
Their capabilities are far reaching. They reach out through religious faith, focusing on brotherhood. They were found to be training new operatives between 2000 and 2003 in guerrilla warfare and assassination. All this is done to fulfil their objectives of a utopian ‘Daulah Islamiyah Nusantara’ and imposing Syariah Law, learned by a textual manual called ‘PUJI’, or ‘Pedoman Umum Jemaah Islamiyah’.
As an organisation that focuses on doing the will of religious faith, they focus a lot on military warfare to achieve their means. They present several reasons as to why one might join them; persuasive leaders, misunderstanding, commitment to a righteous love and Bai’ah.
The Roles of Religious Rehabilitation Group in Singapore
Last of all, the last talk presents to us a countermeasure that Singapore deploys against this terrorist ideology. The operations of the RRG are extricated. They work directly with the suspects to replace their negative mentality with positive inputs. One of their aims is to correct the misconceptions of several concepts that terrorists has presented. Their twisted version of Jihad implies a holy war, like a crusade, while its actual meaning is a constant strive for excellence that is asked of every Muslim. The concept of Al-Wala’ Wal Bara’, that differentiates the believers, Ummah, from the non-believers, Takfir, is actually just an indication of uniqueness. Hijrah in actuality is a migration of self, to change for the better.
It has then come into concern to correct the perception of Islam. It is a religion of guidance where moderation is the right path as it is meant to be easy, not to be taken in an extremist perception. Most of all, it encourages peace, love, harmony and friendship.
Rerences to actual people in this blog is for reference purposes only. Comments, criticisms and coverage found are purely for the purpose of discussion and are not to be taken out of context. Materials are not to be used without the permission of the owner and are protected under the Creative Commons License.
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Birthday Wishlist
This might sound quite shameless, even more so that I am typing this for the second time because the original one just disappeared, but those out there who are concerned might want to have some guidance. It's not much, just a list of things that I wish to have but never really had the extra bucks to bother getting them (or maybe I'd rather splurge on food). So here they are (not in any order).
10. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (adult cover)
9. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (adult cover)
8. Artemis Fowl
7. Artemis Fowl and the Arctic Incident
6. Artemis Fowl and the Eternity Code
5. The Lord of the Rings - The Fellowship of the Ring (movie edition cover)
4. The Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers (movie edition cover)
3. Dan Brown's works (if a collection bundle exists, or else don't bother)
2. Eragon & Eldest
1. My swimming jacket back (yeah, I lost it)
There you have it guys. If this is not a big enough hint, I don't know what is.
10. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (adult cover)
9. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (adult cover)
8. Artemis Fowl
7. Artemis Fowl and the Arctic Incident
6. Artemis Fowl and the Eternity Code
5. The Lord of the Rings - The Fellowship of the Ring (movie edition cover)
4. The Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers (movie edition cover)
3. Dan Brown's works (if a collection bundle exists, or else don't bother)
2. Eragon & Eldest
1. My swimming jacket back (yeah, I lost it)
There you have it guys. If this is not a big enough hint, I don't know what is.
Sunday, January 07, 2007
Announcing... BoB's Playgrounds
The Legacy of the BoBs
Between the years of 2002 and 2005, a band of ten brothers, dubbed the Band of Brothers (BoBs) reigned over their educational institute. They made their lives (and destroyed others) there for four years, during which they had the best moments of their lives. Their fun was legendary, which the world will never see again.
Until now.
The world must know our story. Thus we present you with this unique compilation of recollections as a memento of our reign. For your envy. For our pleasure. For history.
We're a clique of five originally, and expanded to include ten prominent people. It came to a point that BoB became a title, and the current count stands at a large number. During our time at secondary school, we wrecked havoc there, resulting in countless memories of mischief.
This all began at last night's (new year's night) coffee talk between me, Mobs, Poocha and Altho (yes, we're prepared to get old. let's do go-for-kopi-after-prayers thing when we're old. or strawberry lime if you still prefer it at that age). Maybe it's a new year thing, but we just started talking about the past year. Then it started going further back to the times when we were still at CSS. Oh, it went on and on, all about how we were when we first started school, what we did every year, and everybody that we met there.
Then it hit us. We really had a ball of a time at secondary school. Most people (okay, everybody else) never did or will come close to the fun and troubles that we had in there (quite a pity). I mean, we made Commonwealth history that people might consider legend.
Then we came to another revelation.
The world must know.
Come on, we can't live in a self-contained pity. We have to make the rest of the world bright green with envy. Besides, our adventures number off in... large digits, with no way for us to remember them all or keep them. Yet.
So the time has come for a solution to be made.
It was quite simple, the solution was staring straight at us in the face. Blogging (we were checking old BoB-related entries on our blogs). Why not make a blog that's like a digital diary to compile all those stories together that is written by all of us for the world to see? So that's exactly what we're gonna do.
As a new year's gift, I present to you codename 'Project Playground', as homage to our crocodile days.
So there you have it, the story behind the formation of the BoB's anthologies. Now the world will know our ploys and our adventures shall now be immortalized.
Thus begins the Legacy of the BoBs.
Click below to start envying our adventures:

To read other posts, head over here:

Between the years of 2002 and 2005, a band of ten brothers, dubbed the Band of Brothers (BoBs) reigned over their educational institute. They made their lives (and destroyed others) there for four years, during which they had the best moments of their lives. Their fun was legendary, which the world will never see again.
Until now.
The world must know our story. Thus we present you with this unique compilation of recollections as a memento of our reign. For your envy. For our pleasure. For history.
We're a clique of five originally, and expanded to include ten prominent people. It came to a point that BoB became a title, and the current count stands at a large number. During our time at secondary school, we wrecked havoc there, resulting in countless memories of mischief.
This all began at last night's (new year's night) coffee talk between me, Mobs, Poocha and Altho (yes, we're prepared to get old. let's do go-for-kopi-after-prayers thing when we're old. or strawberry lime if you still prefer it at that age). Maybe it's a new year thing, but we just started talking about the past year. Then it started going further back to the times when we were still at CSS. Oh, it went on and on, all about how we were when we first started school, what we did every year, and everybody that we met there.
Then it hit us. We really had a ball of a time at secondary school. Most people (okay, everybody else) never did or will come close to the fun and troubles that we had in there (quite a pity). I mean, we made Commonwealth history that people might consider legend.
Then we came to another revelation.
The world must know.
Come on, we can't live in a self-contained pity. We have to make the rest of the world bright green with envy. Besides, our adventures number off in... large digits, with no way for us to remember them all or keep them. Yet.
So the time has come for a solution to be made.
It was quite simple, the solution was staring straight at us in the face. Blogging (we were checking old BoB-related entries on our blogs). Why not make a blog that's like a digital diary to compile all those stories together that is written by all of us for the world to see? So that's exactly what we're gonna do.
As a new year's gift, I present to you codename 'Project Playground', as homage to our crocodile days.
So there you have it, the story behind the formation of the BoB's anthologies. Now the world will know our ploys and our adventures shall now be immortalized.
Thus begins the Legacy of the BoBs.
Click below to start envying our adventures:

To read other posts, head over here:

Monday, January 01, 2007
Selamat Hari Raya Bloodilfitri
May peace be upon you.
First and foremost, to my Muslim friends, Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha.
Also to them, and to the rest of you, enjoy the gore.
Hari Raya Aidiladha is an Islamic holiday to commemorate the incident of Prophet Ibrahim(/Abraham) where he was made to sacrifice his son Ismail(/Isaac). As a commemorative gesture, every year Muslims present the sacrifice of cattle in their name.
Don't get me wrong, it's not like some cult blood sacrifice. To begin with, the slaughtering process is done in the Halal way, which is through quickly severing the carotid artery and draining the blood, for a most peaceful death. Secondly, the sacrifice(korban) itself is not to offer the cattle's life to God, but to acquire the meat and distribute some of the meat among family (kinda like oranges on Chinese New Year) and the rest is donated to the needy.
It is a justifiable event and all, but if you're standing in front of the fated sheep, witnessing the knife fall down onto the neck and absorbing the sight of every trickle of blood, one can't help but to flinch a bit.
Not that I have hemophobia of something. Okay, maybe I am a little held back by my relation to the Animal Rights Activist Society. But mass slaughtering of animals for an occasion is a little wrong.
Okay, thinking of the other worst things people do in other crazier occassions and the people that Saddam slaughtered, maybe this one isn't that bad.
Let us end of properly.
In the name of Allah
the Most Merciful and the Most Compassionate
We thank you again for this wonderful day of Aidiladha,
for our health to live this day,
and for continued health to see the next.
In Allah's most precious and Holy name
First and foremost, to my Muslim friends, Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha.
Also to them, and to the rest of you, enjoy the gore.
Hari Raya Aidiladha is an Islamic holiday to commemorate the incident of Prophet Ibrahim(/Abraham) where he was made to sacrifice his son Ismail(/Isaac). As a commemorative gesture, every year Muslims present the sacrifice of cattle in their name.
Don't get me wrong, it's not like some cult blood sacrifice. To begin with, the slaughtering process is done in the Halal way, which is through quickly severing the carotid artery and draining the blood, for a most peaceful death. Secondly, the sacrifice(korban) itself is not to offer the cattle's life to God, but to acquire the meat and distribute some of the meat among family (kinda like oranges on Chinese New Year) and the rest is donated to the needy.
It is a justifiable event and all, but if you're standing in front of the fated sheep, witnessing the knife fall down onto the neck and absorbing the sight of every trickle of blood, one can't help but to flinch a bit.
Not that I have hemophobia of something. Okay, maybe I am a little held back by my relation to the Animal Rights Activist Society. But mass slaughtering of animals for an occasion is a little wrong.
Okay, thinking of the other worst things people do in other crazier occassions and the people that Saddam slaughtered, maybe this one isn't that bad.
Let us end of properly.
In the name of Allah
the Most Merciful and the Most Compassionate
We thank you again for this wonderful day of Aidiladha,
for our health to live this day,
and for continued health to see the next.
In Allah's most precious and Holy name
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