WARNING: Long entry.

0700: By some miracle I managed to wake up on time despite having gone to sleep (or knock-out as I would consider them) at 3am the previous night (same day actually). Normal morning stuff, with extra grooming, shine my nails... (awe... noone noticed they were shiny, heh)
0830: Met up with Sarah and Huiling at Giant to get supplies. Enjoyed a quick morning bite (usual caffeine dosage for me) while waiting for Giant to be open. Our ending purchase was quite an awkward mix of food, jumbling sushi with bananas. The culmination of our hour-long shopping was at a staggering SEVENTY DOLLARS! But we did not mind a thing because we're gonna claim it from our teachers! ;-)
The most depressing news was when our dear friend Scott (it's SCOTT people SCOTT!!!) called last minute saying he couldn't make it! That was depressing news because most of the popular guys (you know, the main attraction, not exactly in positive terms) could not make it. But after some persuation and filial nagotiations on his side, we finally got Scott!
1030: Made a fashionably late arrival at the MRT station with everyone already there except for dear Mrs Tan. Attendance was quite disappointing, considering I've called for a total attendance of 30, and called the WHOLE CLASS. Nonetheless, it did reach my minimum quota. Anyway, here's the list of those who attended:
Mrs Isa Tan (+daughter)
Mrs Teri Toh
ME (duh)
Wei Shen
Hui Ling
Siti Aishah
Total: 20
So after breaking the ice amongst the frozen solid people who had been waiting at the station and the super-fashionably late arrival of Mrs Tan, we finally headed off to Sentosa. The ride there had an amazingly large amount of talk about Thomas and homosexuality with myself getting thrown in the weird mix.
1200: (eventually) We somehow, after several road blocks and map rereadings, managed our way onto a slightly shady spot on Siloso Beach. Again, the awkward silence amongst these awestruck (more like dead-struck) people. We grabbed whatever we could to eat then made our way to the water. That was where we found ourselves knee deep in the water and everyone just became dead and refused to proceed once again...
Most incredibly my coincidence (yeah, right), my clique had an outing at the same beach at the same spot, some distance away. After managing to drag out legs off the edge of the water, the guys went to play soccer with... the other guys. The challenge was too tempting for me to refuse, despite last played soccer for what must have been two years back. It was quite a tough match, we were more or less evenly matched, despite having better players on the other guys' team. Must have been from all those years of playing soccer together in primary school. The game ended with an incredibly lengthy last goal, mostly dued to the players' lack of interest in continuing the game.
1415: It had been fun, but Scott and Raj had to depart. Mrs Tan departed sometime during our match since she was departing the country as well. Unsportingly, Frederick and Zongming decided that they missed their mummies too much and had to return to suckle up really quick. Me and the other guys had quite an interesting game of monkey in the water. Having water as my familiar element, it was incredibly fun to actually BE the monkey as it never was long before I managed to harrass someone for the ball.
1500: Incredibly, after the departure of the unfortunate ones who had to leave, the day turned to a brighter side (quite literally, the sun started to blaze) and we started playing games.
Our first game was 'Dog and Bone'. For those not familiar with it, it's played with two teams with the same number of people and each of them allocated a number. They are then to stand in two parallel lines in their teams facing the opposing team and an object (the bone) is placed at the centre. The game is played by having a/some number(s) called and those person(s) being called have to run off with the item back to their team without getting tagged by the person from the opposing team. Wow, I actually had to explain this game to some people.
We played it by changing the distance to the bone(frisbee) to what was an almost 10m sprint and we buried the frisbee in an unknown location. It was fun but we soon got bored of it due to the lack of sense and objective. (like duh it's senseless, it's an orientation game!)
Next, for the longest time, we played a game of whacko. Now, to explain THIS game. Everyone sits in a circle, introduce their name, have a person stand in the centre, have a name called and the person at the centre tries to whack the person being called. To avoid getting whacked, simply call another person.
We played this game by having nicknames. For the first few rounds we were renamed after flowers. Doesn't sound like much but it really was fun trying to figure out who's who. Besides, if you're out there with the sun, sand, sea and screaming girls (this is a pun if you're dumb enough not to notice), it would no doubt be fun. I was lavender by the way, haha. *rolls eyes* Then we were renamed after MRT stations. This was an even more fun challenge since we had to figure out if the station we called actually had a person attached to it. No need to explain why this is supposed to be fun.
1600: I remembered to check my phone for Mrs Toh's call, and I was aghast to find that she called AN HOUR AGO! Called her back, and fortunately she had diarrhoea (sick idea of fortunate, eh?) and was coming late. So she popped up at around 1620.
After all the running around in the sand, we settled down for a quieter acitivity. Me, being the guy who archives stuff, brought a whole big bunch of old stuff from primary school to reminisce over. The first on the list was a letter from our beloved Ms Salwati dated 11 August 2000!!! It really was memorable. That was when we figured out a challenge. Read on.
The Yuqun Legacy Hunt
From the letter, we found out that my copy of the letter was the first out of the unknown number of letters that Ms Salwati would post to us in that consecutive weeks. The thing is, the letters were posted to a different person every week, and since we did not share the letter (despite her saying otherwise), the letters were never put together.
So the challenge is, fellow 6A Yuqunarians of 2001, to hunt for your copy of the letter if you did receive one and bring it on the next reunion. Only then will our hunt be completed.
After the letter, I showed everyone the birthday cards I received for my 12th birthday. What was interesting about that was more than half of those cards were unnamed, hoping that I would finally figure out the sender today. Unfortunately, none of my secret senders were identified, leaving them a mystery till today.
Moving on, we went on to pictures! Old pictures of events and things we did together. Even showed everyone our class photos! That was sure fun, comparing people now and then. I even brough the Yuqun Memories book, similar to a yearbook especially made for that year to commemorate the school's closing. To top it off, I brought the first and last copies of the students' newsletter, Kids Express! (actually, there were ONLY two editions) That must have been the highlight of the event, considering that it was (meant to be) a reunion.
1700: At the end of that mushy segment, we just went free and easy, going around the water and lazing around. For some reason, a sand war broke out amonst the other guys, with me as the main casualty. Let's just say my clothes didn't stay sand-free despite rinsing them thrice.
1750: Exhaustion finally caught up with us and we decided to call it a day. For the guys, this point of time was incredibly boring, having to wait for the girls while they set up a make-up studio in the changing room for more than half an hour... If that was slow, our journey back to Harbourfront was longer with the frequent breaks in betweens to rest, etc.
2000: Yes, it's 8pm by the time we went our separate ways at the Harbourfront interchange. Not really separate ways, since we all made a remarkable realisation that all of us live rather near each other (duh). So from here, I dictate my story. Went to eat at the hawker centre right next to the interchange, after running through half a dozen options again and again without a conclusion. There, we found the secret to making a hawker stall popular and the other five with me concluded that I love blood (how that relates logically to anything and how that was concluded was beyond me). Had Meili to treat me to a sixty-cent bandung since I had no small change, haha, small trivia. I owe you 60c Meili! Oh yeah, and Sarah still owed me $2 from the McDonalds thing! And Mrs Tan owes me $10!!!
2315: Here I am, almost finishing this blog entry. Wow, working on a blog entry for one and a half hours with cramped muscle and sand in my butt crack. Such dedication. Alright, we've come to the end of this year's reunion. So for those of you who DIDN'T come or LEFT from this EXCITING reunion, a big HA-HA to you. And to all, the message below.
LIke what I did a few months earlier for Synthesis, I'm making an announcement for next year's reunion. There will probably be another one next year in around June or December. It will be a chalet next time, so keep your time free! I'm planning this one with a full itinerary with the teachers, so I expect FULL ATTENDANCE everyone!!!
That's all for this year.
Signing out.
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