NOTE: The entry below has actually been worked on many many times before this final release version, largely due to procrastination to complete it. So pardon me if some sections do not sound coherent or if they sound as if they were written by different people, I am a little schizophrenic. But lo and behold, it is finally finished, so before I apologise yet again for the long delay, enjoy the article.
After more than a year and many many months since my last decent post, I've finally decided to break my long persistent procrastination and create a third addition to my long forgotten Wilderness Series. For those who have forgotten, here's a link to the previous release:
The Wilderness Series #02 - Behind These Wandering Eyes
As a tribute to the previous post, this one talks about friends as compared to guys. So there you go, enjoy!
The Wilderness Series #03 - Comrades In Arms and Surrender
An article by Seraphim
If I were to ask you, who can't you live your life without? Go past your corny cliche answer of your loved one and answer that truthfully. Okay, also exclude your maid out of that answer. What do you get? Your friends! You maid-cleaner-gardener-chauffer dependant lazy pigs! Yup, truth be told, you really can't imagine going through your whines and traumas without those creatures that you constantly abuse.
On a closer examination, friends come in different shapes, sizes, and purpose. Yes, purpose. There's always a reason why humans do the things they do, whether they're conscious of it or not. If you're still wondering what they could possibly be, read on, and discover the true cynical side to yourself.
For pure, genuine, goody-goody old-fashioned friendship
Well, if you live in the Disney movie world, you would know what I'm talking about. Some of you fairy tale suckers out there still believe in what is termed 'true friendship', where you really befriend someone unconditionally. As in, for free. I repeat, you kiasu Singaporeans, FREE! *gasp* Is that possible? Nah. Wake up people, we live in a world where nothing's free anymore. Not for real anyway. There's always a drawback for everything there is. So let's believe in some humanity and look inside yourself and find that truth as to why you tolerate that obnoxious friend of yours.
For Company
Hah, got you there. Even if this sounds harmless, it is nonetheless a selfish motivation, isn't it? How many times was it that you ask for the accompaniment of others because you don't want to appear anti-social in that high school environment of yours, don't want to be afraid to go to that spooky toilet or just can't stand the state of solitude that will haunt you if you are left in isolation. Oh, how hard the realisation hits you now, eh? Yes my dear sinful readers, you have committed this act before. Well, if you have any friends at all that is.
For fun
Not for fun as in for no reason at all, you simple minded caveman. As in, for fun and laughter, peace and joy. When you’re feeling high as if you’ve slurped sugar concentrated redbull with double shot of expresso, these kind of people are those who you look for to exert your excessive energy on. Probably also because they can get similarly high or are feeling just as high as you. Hell breaks loose when you guys are together in that discombobulating state of mind. One word to describe it? Crazy.
For benefits
The epitome of superficialism, this is it. Not everybody is meant for everybody else, but there are some people out there who you would like to be with because through them you can get what you want. It can be a lot of things, like other friends, money’s a common one, connections, and the list goes on and on. This is not something that everyone would do, but people who are wise, or plain old devious, would do this to achieve their ends. Not to say that this is dishonourable, to be realistic, but this is something that you would do if you want to survive in a competitive urban environment.
For other benefits
Friends with benefits. Sounds familiar? Yes, when two lonely souls chance upon each other in a time of social need and suppressed lust, the inevitable happens. You know you cannot, will not or do not want to be together, but that itch in your nether regions bring you both together for that release of wild energy building up inside you during the time you are apart. Do not be shameful of it, we understand the need for it, though the rest of society might shun you for that act. But hey, deep down, they understand too.
Okay, that’s all that I can come up with the half-mind that I have right now. I don’t know why but I always seem to be doing these types of articles when I’m feeling high, so pardon the weird incoherent language. So there you have it guys, the different friend classifications there are (or at least some of them). Just like the previous release, this classification can be interchangeable and intertwined, so have fun figuring out why you’re wasting your time with that bird brain sitting in front of you.
Friday, December 29, 2006
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Yup, that's the title of the 7th book.
I know, I know, kinda slow to post that. It's been out for a few days already.
Don't know whether to be excited or sad. Sure, the last book will finally be out, but...
" the solstice will come a new... and none will come after..." - Order of the Phoenix
I know, I know, kinda slow to post that. It's been out for a few days already.
Don't know whether to be excited or sad. Sure, the last book will finally be out, but...
" the solstice will come a new... and none will come after..." - Order of the Phoenix
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
A Vivid Vacation for a Vacated Venture
Pardon the pun, watched too many reruns of V for Vendetta, which is the personal favourite movie of the year, made extra special by someone special. Phew, that’s been quite a long while since there has been any decent post at all. Through that entire wait, there have been quite a handful of ideas cropping up which has been set on reserve, so look forward to a few more worthwhile entries before the year is done. A top five list is to be expected, so to make that even tangible, some entries need to go up.
Before we proceed, allow some introduction to be done. All of you are all too familiar with this person called Farhan. Yet it is not he who speaks now. Neither are we the alter ego called Rafahn. Instead, let us be known as the Greater Consciousness [until we find a nicer name]. We are the entity that has been given consciousness in the cranial crevices of Farhan’s brain since its existence, ever watching, ever waiting. It is through this long silence that we have finally manifested a voice to speak to all about the thoughts and mishaps of Farhan and Rafahn. As an inside third party [ooh, what an oxymoron], we are able to report independent of their influences. We are the Voice that is Withdrawn, the One who Knows Many, the User of Corny upper Caps, the Privileged with the Special Brackets, and the Personification of Legal Grounds. Yes, it is we who embodie the purpose of the grounds where the truth is ordained. Don’t fret, Farhan and Rafahn will still make appearances. To make it clear who’s who, we’ll all sign off at the end of each article.
That was rather longer than we intended. Anyway, our purpose here today is to report on the recent event that happened to Farhan. As per tradition, he made another trip to miserable Malaysia last week, as had been done during school vacations. Along with him was his band of misfits: brothers two, Stupidity and Shamelessness, a mat/skater confused crossbreed, and another pair of brothers from In The End. No offense, but we don’t mind their lack of intellect at all. In fact it made for quite an interesting vacation, just like last year’s events.
Let’s take a look at little Singapore from the global geographical perspective. She’s tiny. An hour gets you from one point of the island to the other. Malaysia on the other hand, is littered with acres after acres of land. That meant that a lot of time there was spent on travel journeys in the middle of palm plantations, if not in the middle of nowhere. Man, do they have a lot of land. If Singapore could buy just their peninsular, we can even be twice richer than those farm-loving Malaysian. Equipped with the trusty divine lifesaving iPod Nano, constant supply of coffee from regular pit stops, and a band of idiots as company, the journeys around weren’t as bad as they were supposed to be.
We’ve seen the Legends at Fort Canning, but we weren’t eager to see yet another one in Malaysia. However, Legends Resort there wasn’t so bad. The rooms could do better, but the resort it self was quite lavish. It had all the facilities that a band of idiots could ask for a full day of havoc, which was exactly what we did right after we checked in.
Sadly, there wasn’t a good afternoon and dinner buffet at the in-house restaurant, so all meals except breakfast were had outside. Duh, since we were at other parts of Malaysia during the trip there anyway. Oh, we really must tell you about the mishap that almost resulted in the permanent loss of Farhan’s beloved jacket. There’s this seafood place right outside the resort that we all went to for all the dinners. It was actually quite a long walk out from the resort, since for some reason they built it in a way such that you had to take a really long walk down a road to get in. Anyway, after the dinner on the first night, alas, he left his jacket on the chair while paying the bill. Oh what horror! It wasn’t realized until he was back safe, ok maybe not with all the other idiots in the same room, in the hotel room. The poor guy had to run back to the eating place to get it. He had a ten ringgit bill prepared just in case the people were rotten enough to hint for a tip. Oh you know, who knows how corrupted these people could get. For some reason, we’ve observed that the service people there don’t really have the ‘service with a smile’ campaign going on. Except for the service people at the shopping centres, who seemed to profusely greet and thank everyone like clockwork. Anyway, his ten ringgit was still with him at the end of the incident, and so was his jacket.
Did we mention that he got a room with that entire bunch of misfits? Oh, now we did. Can you believe it? Imagine the havoc that must have occurred! And that was exactly what happened. Too bad the room service menu wasn’t good, or else we could have done our traditional consecutive call in the middle of the night to order the same food at different times thing. Yeah, we actually did that last year. And the year before. And the year before that too. Despite our cultural, behavioral and intellectual differences, we still had a common view of having a good time, so hanging out with them was worth our while. Tempting as it is to join their illicit activities [strict as they are, Malaysian laws are nowhere as enforced as ours], Farhan still retained his moral pride, so he got to witness all the insanity while still being sane.
All in all, it was quite a fulfilling trip. The only regret is not bringing our laptop of course, or else we could have enjoyed our iPod a little longer and god knows what else a bunch of guys with a computer would do in the middle of the night. Home didn’t seem to welcome us back with open arms. It poured like never before, for days on end, though it was good excuse to skip training [don’t tell anyone that]. Really, rainy weather doesn’t give you the mood to do anything else except for doze off. Anyway, this is as far as we can go, the rest is up to Farhan. This is not, however, our last encounter, so we bid you farewell until next time.
The Greater Consciousness is the all powerful entity that governs the cranial spaces of Farhan’s brain. They like is there since it’s cosy, but with Farhan and Rafahn’s increased conflicts, it’s getting a little cramped. That could have been the cause of the gradual drop in IQ.
Before we proceed, allow some introduction to be done. All of you are all too familiar with this person called Farhan. Yet it is not he who speaks now. Neither are we the alter ego called Rafahn. Instead, let us be known as the Greater Consciousness [until we find a nicer name]. We are the entity that has been given consciousness in the cranial crevices of Farhan’s brain since its existence, ever watching, ever waiting. It is through this long silence that we have finally manifested a voice to speak to all about the thoughts and mishaps of Farhan and Rafahn. As an inside third party [ooh, what an oxymoron], we are able to report independent of their influences. We are the Voice that is Withdrawn, the One who Knows Many, the User of Corny upper Caps, the Privileged with the Special Brackets, and the Personification of Legal Grounds. Yes, it is we who embodie the purpose of the grounds where the truth is ordained. Don’t fret, Farhan and Rafahn will still make appearances. To make it clear who’s who, we’ll all sign off at the end of each article.
That was rather longer than we intended. Anyway, our purpose here today is to report on the recent event that happened to Farhan. As per tradition, he made another trip to miserable Malaysia last week, as had been done during school vacations. Along with him was his band of misfits: brothers two, Stupidity and Shamelessness, a mat/skater confused crossbreed, and another pair of brothers from In The End. No offense, but we don’t mind their lack of intellect at all. In fact it made for quite an interesting vacation, just like last year’s events.
Let’s take a look at little Singapore from the global geographical perspective. She’s tiny. An hour gets you from one point of the island to the other. Malaysia on the other hand, is littered with acres after acres of land. That meant that a lot of time there was spent on travel journeys in the middle of palm plantations, if not in the middle of nowhere. Man, do they have a lot of land. If Singapore could buy just their peninsular, we can even be twice richer than those farm-loving Malaysian. Equipped with the trusty divine lifesaving iPod Nano, constant supply of coffee from regular pit stops, and a band of idiots as company, the journeys around weren’t as bad as they were supposed to be.
We’ve seen the Legends at Fort Canning, but we weren’t eager to see yet another one in Malaysia. However, Legends Resort there wasn’t so bad. The rooms could do better, but the resort it self was quite lavish. It had all the facilities that a band of idiots could ask for a full day of havoc, which was exactly what we did right after we checked in.
Sadly, there wasn’t a good afternoon and dinner buffet at the in-house restaurant, so all meals except breakfast were had outside. Duh, since we were at other parts of Malaysia during the trip there anyway. Oh, we really must tell you about the mishap that almost resulted in the permanent loss of Farhan’s beloved jacket. There’s this seafood place right outside the resort that we all went to for all the dinners. It was actually quite a long walk out from the resort, since for some reason they built it in a way such that you had to take a really long walk down a road to get in. Anyway, after the dinner on the first night, alas, he left his jacket on the chair while paying the bill. Oh what horror! It wasn’t realized until he was back safe, ok maybe not with all the other idiots in the same room, in the hotel room. The poor guy had to run back to the eating place to get it. He had a ten ringgit bill prepared just in case the people were rotten enough to hint for a tip. Oh you know, who knows how corrupted these people could get. For some reason, we’ve observed that the service people there don’t really have the ‘service with a smile’ campaign going on. Except for the service people at the shopping centres, who seemed to profusely greet and thank everyone like clockwork. Anyway, his ten ringgit was still with him at the end of the incident, and so was his jacket.
Did we mention that he got a room with that entire bunch of misfits? Oh, now we did. Can you believe it? Imagine the havoc that must have occurred! And that was exactly what happened. Too bad the room service menu wasn’t good, or else we could have done our traditional consecutive call in the middle of the night to order the same food at different times thing. Yeah, we actually did that last year. And the year before. And the year before that too. Despite our cultural, behavioral and intellectual differences, we still had a common view of having a good time, so hanging out with them was worth our while. Tempting as it is to join their illicit activities [strict as they are, Malaysian laws are nowhere as enforced as ours], Farhan still retained his moral pride, so he got to witness all the insanity while still being sane.
All in all, it was quite a fulfilling trip. The only regret is not bringing our laptop of course, or else we could have enjoyed our iPod a little longer and god knows what else a bunch of guys with a computer would do in the middle of the night. Home didn’t seem to welcome us back with open arms. It poured like never before, for days on end, though it was good excuse to skip training [don’t tell anyone that]. Really, rainy weather doesn’t give you the mood to do anything else except for doze off. Anyway, this is as far as we can go, the rest is up to Farhan. This is not, however, our last encounter, so we bid you farewell until next time.
The Greater Consciousness is the all powerful entity that governs the cranial spaces of Farhan’s brain. They like is there since it’s cosy, but with Farhan and Rafahn’s increased conflicts, it’s getting a little cramped. That could have been the cause of the gradual drop in IQ.
And the fight rages on
NOTE: This entry was saved as a draft for me to work on, but I never found the will to finish it. So I'll just put it up in this state for the record.
Oh, I'm just making sure that whoever is googling on it finds the right stuff.
Before we dive back into this whole fiasco, I just realised that this kind of thing is what this blog was aimed to be doing when it was created - to be writing on interesting touchy topics. But it has kinda died lately, so I'm really excited to be on the keyboard again. If promos ends well, I'll be gearing up for a fresh new round of blogging.
Now, back to the main issue. I was just looking around to see what's sprouted since the news about the fight came into the digital realm and all hell broke loose. Must really admire how the internet spreads the word. I've gotten hits regarding the article from people who are from the other side of the globe. And I also discovered some psuedo open house teaser poster of some photoshopped japanese girl. Look out for that, it's worth a look.
What isn't worth looking at is SGForums. The thread on the issue is relevant at first, but after the first five pages it turns into a bitchfight with JC vs Non-JC students, Transparency vs Political Correctness or whatsoever factions the bitches have broken into. Unless you're another New Paper reporter, it's not worth a look.
And here's another worthy look. Read on.
fight club?
whoa apparantly the fierce kids at acjc have some sort of fight club which proves that the chattering classes are not above petty violence when it comes to extra-curricular activities.
acjc kid 1: i say, shall we reconvene after school at a suitable locale to do most grievous bodily harm to one another
acjc kid 2: a most excellent proposition my good man, and may i first say that by the time our little altercation is over you will most surely have cried uncle
acjc kid 3: and might i be so bold as to suggest that we invite the other members of our class to this little after school soiree
acjc kid 1: by all means go ahead. after all, what could possibly go awry unless it appears on the front page of the new paper
and here i was thinking that only the proletariat were capable of such things. perhaps we are more alike than we like to think.
well apparantly in jc you are allowed to add 2 grades to your prelim score to get your projected results. so technically C is the new A. i'm just waiting for dead to be the new alive so i can kill myself and live off the insurance money.
Well said, whoevever-you-are-didn't-catch-your-name. However, being an ACSian myself, I feel obliged yet again to put that in it's true context. So here is my remake of that entry.
acjc kid 1: i say, shall we reconvene after school at a suitable locale to do most grievous bodily harm to one another
acjc kid 2: a most excellent proposition my good man, and may i first say that by the time our little altercation is over you will most surely have cried uncle
acjc kid 3: and might i be so bold as to suggest that we invite the other members of our class to this little after school soiree
acjc kid 1: by all means go ahead. after all, what could possibly go awry unless it appears on the front page of the new paper
Source article: Newspaper article from The New Paper
Author: Santokh Singh
Date of article: 03 October 2006
HERE'S my appeal to school principals and teachers: Please do not impose any gag order on your students if something negative happens in the school.
HERE'S my appeal to school principals and teachers: Please do not impose any gag order on your students if something negative happens in the school.
Why? It doesn't work.
If anything, it makes them want to talk even more - first among themselves and, if approached, to the press.
The students will get the feeling that the school has something to hide, is authoritarian and not transparent. Worse, they may think their principals and teachers are not practising what they preach.
How can teachers ask them to practise critical thinking and freedom of thought and speech, so central to their classroom learning, when they impose gag orders?
Last week, The New Paper came across this unique situation. Unique because it happened in two schools within an hour.
Students from a secondary school and a junior college told us they had been gagged.
In the secondary school, almost 300 students were struck by a mysterious illness.
In the junior college, the police were called in to break up a planned fight by students.
'We've been told by the school not to talk to the press about this,' the students from the two schools said when we approached them.
But they then went on to tell us everything we needed to know.
Why? It is a basic human instinct - to talk.
The JC students not only spoke freely with us, but they also contradicted what was told to us by the school authorities.
The New Paper ran its report last Thursday, reflecting both versions.
The principal may also be interested to know that it was a student who had alerted us to the incident.
I am convinced the student called us because he did not like being told to shut up.
'We do not wash our dirty linen in public' is an adage that is plausible only for a small family.
I say plausible rather than possible because even in the families of today, I see loyalty losing out to the urge to share interesting gossip.
What more, in a school 'family' of more than 1,000 members.
And with the advance of technology, the imposition of gag orders is almost bordering on the ludicrous.
At times, a student who witnesses or hears of the incident sends an SMS to a friend or family member almost as soon as the incident happens.
No time for the principal to tell students that he or she is going to impose a gag order.
And, as we've witnessed many times these days, these SMSes with visuals attached spread really fast.
If not SMS, then e-mail. And if not e-mail, then a blog.
A Google search with some key words would, more often than not, produce the results.
It may take a little longer but it's usually not long enough for the school authorities to remove the posting.
The details on blogs can be revealing.
Earlier this year, The New Paper warned of fight clubs forming in schools.
One principal, who vehemently denied the existence of such clubs, called me to protest.
But the next day, a posting on a blog criticised The New Paper for being late with the story. A JC student wrote that a fight club was already in existence in his school since he was in Secondary 1.
There are often two sides of a story. But, gag order or not, the truth will usually prevail in the end.
Well, it's not mine, but I found it to be rather intersting and applicable here. So, to all you snoopy reporters out there, have a look.
The blogger uses this weblog to exercise her freedom of expression and has attempted to protect the privacy of characters mentioned. In the event that similarities between actual people and persons mentioned in the entries are uncanny and you think that they are one and the same, you are probably right. However, you should not presume to know that you are correct, or presuppose that the blog contents are accurate. Whatever opinion you form based on the information provided is most likely made in a false light and should be kept to yourself. The blogger will not be held responsible for the contents of this weblog and warns that it should not be taken seriously. Do note that contacting me and demanding that I remove any offensive material is ludicrous since you are visiting this site of your own free will. Under no circumstances should you use and pass off any material from here as your own unless I permit it.
Oh, I'm just making sure that whoever is googling on it finds the right stuff.
Before we dive back into this whole fiasco, I just realised that this kind of thing is what this blog was aimed to be doing when it was created - to be writing on interesting touchy topics. But it has kinda died lately, so I'm really excited to be on the keyboard again. If promos ends well, I'll be gearing up for a fresh new round of blogging.
Now, back to the main issue. I was just looking around to see what's sprouted since the news about the fight came into the digital realm and all hell broke loose. Must really admire how the internet spreads the word. I've gotten hits regarding the article from people who are from the other side of the globe. And I also discovered some psuedo open house teaser poster of some photoshopped japanese girl. Look out for that, it's worth a look.
What isn't worth looking at is SGForums. The thread on the issue is relevant at first, but after the first five pages it turns into a bitchfight with JC vs Non-JC students, Transparency vs Political Correctness or whatsoever factions the bitches have broken into. Unless you're another New Paper reporter, it's not worth a look.
And here's another worthy look. Read on.
fight club?
whoa apparantly the fierce kids at acjc have some sort of fight club which proves that the chattering classes are not above petty violence when it comes to extra-curricular activities.
acjc kid 1: i say, shall we reconvene after school at a suitable locale to do most grievous bodily harm to one another
acjc kid 2: a most excellent proposition my good man, and may i first say that by the time our little altercation is over you will most surely have cried uncle
acjc kid 3: and might i be so bold as to suggest that we invite the other members of our class to this little after school soiree
acjc kid 1: by all means go ahead. after all, what could possibly go awry unless it appears on the front page of the new paper
and here i was thinking that only the proletariat were capable of such things. perhaps we are more alike than we like to think.
well apparantly in jc you are allowed to add 2 grades to your prelim score to get your projected results. so technically C is the new A. i'm just waiting for dead to be the new alive so i can kill myself and live off the insurance money.
Well said, whoevever-you-are-didn't-catch-your-name. However, being an ACSian myself, I feel obliged yet again to put that in it's true context. So here is my remake of that entry.
acjc kid 1: i say, shall we reconvene after school at a suitable locale to do most grievous bodily harm to one another
acjc kid 2: a most excellent proposition my good man, and may i first say that by the time our little altercation is over you will most surely have cried uncle
acjc kid 3: and might i be so bold as to suggest that we invite the other members of our class to this little after school soiree
acjc kid 1: by all means go ahead. after all, what could possibly go awry unless it appears on the front page of the new paper
Source article: Newspaper article from The New Paper
Author: Santokh Singh
Date of article: 03 October 2006
HERE'S my appeal to school principals and teachers: Please do not impose any gag order on your students if something negative happens in the school.
HERE'S my appeal to school principals and teachers: Please do not impose any gag order on your students if something negative happens in the school.
Why? It doesn't work.
If anything, it makes them want to talk even more - first among themselves and, if approached, to the press.
The students will get the feeling that the school has something to hide, is authoritarian and not transparent. Worse, they may think their principals and teachers are not practising what they preach.
How can teachers ask them to practise critical thinking and freedom of thought and speech, so central to their classroom learning, when they impose gag orders?
Last week, The New Paper came across this unique situation. Unique because it happened in two schools within an hour.
Students from a secondary school and a junior college told us they had been gagged.
In the secondary school, almost 300 students were struck by a mysterious illness.
In the junior college, the police were called in to break up a planned fight by students.
'We've been told by the school not to talk to the press about this,' the students from the two schools said when we approached them.
But they then went on to tell us everything we needed to know.
Why? It is a basic human instinct - to talk.
The JC students not only spoke freely with us, but they also contradicted what was told to us by the school authorities.
The New Paper ran its report last Thursday, reflecting both versions.
The principal may also be interested to know that it was a student who had alerted us to the incident.
I am convinced the student called us because he did not like being told to shut up.
'We do not wash our dirty linen in public' is an adage that is plausible only for a small family.
I say plausible rather than possible because even in the families of today, I see loyalty losing out to the urge to share interesting gossip.
What more, in a school 'family' of more than 1,000 members.
And with the advance of technology, the imposition of gag orders is almost bordering on the ludicrous.
At times, a student who witnesses or hears of the incident sends an SMS to a friend or family member almost as soon as the incident happens.
No time for the principal to tell students that he or she is going to impose a gag order.
And, as we've witnessed many times these days, these SMSes with visuals attached spread really fast.
If not SMS, then e-mail. And if not e-mail, then a blog.
A Google search with some key words would, more often than not, produce the results.
It may take a little longer but it's usually not long enough for the school authorities to remove the posting.
The details on blogs can be revealing.
Earlier this year, The New Paper warned of fight clubs forming in schools.
One principal, who vehemently denied the existence of such clubs, called me to protest.
But the next day, a posting on a blog criticised The New Paper for being late with the story. A JC student wrote that a fight club was already in existence in his school since he was in Secondary 1.
There are often two sides of a story. But, gag order or not, the truth will usually prevail in the end.
Well, it's not mine, but I found it to be rather intersting and applicable here. So, to all you snoopy reporters out there, have a look.
The blogger uses this weblog to exercise her freedom of expression and has attempted to protect the privacy of characters mentioned. In the event that similarities between actual people and persons mentioned in the entries are uncanny and you think that they are one and the same, you are probably right. However, you should not presume to know that you are correct, or presuppose that the blog contents are accurate. Whatever opinion you form based on the information provided is most likely made in a false light and should be kept to yourself. The blogger will not be held responsible for the contents of this weblog and warns that it should not be taken seriously. Do note that contacting me and demanding that I remove any offensive material is ludicrous since you are visiting this site of your own free will. Under no circumstances should you use and pass off any material from here as your own unless I permit it.
Monday, December 25, 2006
It's Christmas Day.
A week since I had my vacation.
8 days left till school opens.
And the pile of schoolwork won't just vanish.
A week since I had my vacation.
8 days left till school opens.
And the pile of schoolwork won't just vanish.
Sunday, December 24, 2006
ACJC Swimming Video
Just to add more materials to this blog before I post the articles, here's an interesting vid that might interest you.
A tribute to the seniors.
A tribute to the seniors.
Friday, December 22, 2006
BoBs Sentosa Outing
Here are the waaaaaaaay overdued pictures folks. I'll put up quirky comments or whatever on my own time ya. Enjoy.

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