Seraphim Anthology #03 - The Battle of Life's Endeavour
A poem by Seraphim
Onward thou shalt march to war!
To where the battle is fought on plains of white
Thou shalt scar the battlegrounds with might
Thy armor is but the plating of labor
Polished by the skills that thou now harbor
Brandish thy sword with beauty and grace
To engrave the battle on thy enemy’s face
Fear not the wrath of the tenders of the plains
O, brave wielder of the Excalibur of blue
For your mastery shalt leave their efforts in vain
And be rewarded to fight for what is true
Onward thou shalt march to war!
Ah, my latest works, my best piece yet. For those non-literature readers, the poem's a metaphorical writing about what else? The exams. Took me a few days to get the vocabulary straight, but voila! Look at my masterpiece! Do take a closer look to try to figure out the hidden meanings.
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