
Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Events Update

WARNING: Before screaming, read the following first
Skip to the news section further below to skip the crap

The following are the probable reasons that you might want to consider to scream for:

- Irregular/seldom update of the blog entries

- Old template

- Those irritating entry messages

- Unreasonable reasons for hating me


Ugh, another three weeks and not a single entry. Months and still the template doesn't change. Those irritating pop-up messages... What am I doing?!?! Why does time abandon me?!?! Why am I even blaming time that doesn't even do anything?!?!

What the hell am I saying?

Let's try to make sense now. Since school closed, there hasn't been a single day when I could sit down and rest without having anything to do. Actually I have barely stayed at home for 3 hours straight without having to go out (except for night time that is). Pathetic isn't it? I have got to find time to do complete unfinished business, do my hobby and silence those homeworks.

To make it up to you readers, below is a compilation of some events that you might be interested in. For once I'm writing in a factual report style, so you can heave away the worry as there will be little crap. Ok ok, I should cut the crap now. Read on for the articles.

Councillors' General Meeting
23 November 2004

The gloom was still fogging around the air on that Tuesday morning when councillors started to arrive for the meeting. Even before the meeting started disaster has begun to strike. Due to a miscommunication of the actual meeting time the councillors started to arrive over a wide time range and had to stare at empty space for what seemed an eternity.

When the councillors did arrive, a quick glance could tell that the attendance was attrocious. A handful of the sec 2s were obviously AWOL and more than half of the sec 3s obviously skipped the meeting entirely/purposely. To heat up the situation was the mingling of the peer leaders, who also came upon the request of the DM. Basically they acted as catalysts for the production of inattentiveness.

Many stared at each other as the beginning of the meeting was much awaited for. Amazingly the president had no agenda for the meeting. I repeat: no agenda for the meeting. Impossible/improbable/impractical but this is the bitter fact caused by the excellent president. So for the first part of the meeting the Exco and the DM had to what they call 'bullshit' through till the second part came.

The second part was a much called for relief. The much anticipated Apprenticeship Program has finally been initiated and officially recognised as the official new grouping for the student council. The present councillors were split into their various departments, where they were briefed about their department, told about future projects, learnt of what are to be expected of them and started on a small task to start the ball rolling.

Even so some departments suffered boredom as their leading Exco did not have anything planned out. But what the hell, my department had one hell of a time as they learnt of the hidden things that I deal with and the advantages of being in my department, which included a sharing of some classified documents with them. Also we worked on next year's duty roster, previously seemed boring but the thought process I took with them spiced things up by a lot.

The meeting was cut short by the sudden request for the Exco by the DM to help prepare some documents for the open house. Unknowing to most students, this year's open house was doomed from the start with last-minute preparations and improper completion of work. I'll reveal more about the open house in the next article. The Exco ended up having to do some of the documents which the organising committee were originally supposed to do. At that point I couldn't help myself from silently giggling as I knew that things were being screwed up.

School Open House
25 November 2004

The morning began with me arriving at Jurong East Sports Complex, where a 'Choose your secondary school wisely' Seminar was going to be held. Preparations was being done 2 hours in advanced to make sure that everything would be fine.

Basically the whole event consisted of a lot of ushering, standing and waiting. Anotherwords: bullshit. That basically sums it up.

Fast forward to 12:30. The students from the sports complex returned to school to take over duties for the open house. Again, it was all boring duty work in the soaking rain, fitting the gloomy and rural atmosphere that enveloped the school.

Let me emphasize again the atrocity of the open house's failure. This year's visitor count was only around 530, with last year's count being around 1300 and the previous year's being more than 1500. Again, I couldn't help but laugh at the failure of others. What and why the failures are quite personal to me and classified for the school, so let's keep it to that.

All you have to know is the open house was screwed. And you folks heard it first right here from Seraphim Haven.

Councillors' Outing
26 November 2004

From the moment the idea of a council outing was thought out, everybody had the impression that it would be a complete failure. Up to the moment of arrival, everyone still had that mindset. Things did not look any brighter with the improper planning and ineffecient announcement of the outing.

But what a surprise it was for everyone who turned up! Despite the fact that people turned up at different times, the outing was a blast! It was a mystery as to what made it so much fun; was it the ball games, was it the chit-chats or was it just the good old fooling around? Well that did not matter as all had a good time that afternoon.

The outing started out simple, with some guys playing ball and the girls walking along the beach. Then it started to get aggressive as the councillors had a water bomb war. After that soaking experience, everyone got wild and wet as they ensured that everyone was in the water. Two guys escape the sea's wrath though, as they ran all the way to the other side of the beach to escape the swarm of councillors hell-bent on getting those two wet.

A lot happened in the waters of East Coast Park that afternoon, including a lot of gossipping, chatting and god-knows-what-else. There was the usual Battle of the Sexes as all of us played a lame variation of water polo all the way till sunset. To make it fair, some of the guys pretended to forget their gender for the game.

By the time we got out of the water, it was near 7:30. Changing took ages for both the guys and girls. When we came back, the heavenly smell of pizzas greeted us. Then it was a hell lot of chatting, yakking and giggling. Departure time was around 9:00 or so. But it wasn't straight home for most of us. Some went to McDonald's and some stayed at the beach.

ETA for home for most of us was at 00:00.


Wll, I could still go on about the Prom Night, but that would bore most of you to death since it only concerned the graduating students. It wasn't that interesting anyway. I guess that's all for now. Till next time!